Category: Health Care Policy

  • Transformational Leadership Is The Answer For The Crisis Of The National Health Service

    Introduction We are living in a time in which the NHS is facing many economic and social challenges. Our healthcare system is suffering budget constraints, an increased and aged population, higher patient expectations, nursing staff shortages and we are now treating more complex illnesses than ever before (Rivett 2015). In order to implement the changes…

  • Japan’s Health Care System Vs. the US: Comparative Essay

    It is an obvious fact that healthcare systems in different countries differ. For this comparative essay, I chose the country of Japan, with the intention of comparing its healthcare system with ours, America. Access Japan has a universal, public statutory health insurance system (SHIS) that provides coverage regulated by the government. It is mandatory for…

  • An Overview of Health Care Financing in Taiwan: Analysis of Issues Concerning Health Insurance

    An Overview of Health Care Financing in Taiwan Taiwan is a small island in the eastern part of Asia (midway between the Japan and the Philippines) that is constantly under political debate and diplomatic isolation. Taiwan has been independent since the 1950s, yet China has claimed sovereignty over Taiwan and insists nations cannot have official…

  • Health Care System in Sudan

    The Republic of Sudan is situated in the northeast of Africa and is considered to be a low-middle-income country. It is the third largest African country in terms of geographical coverage after Algeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The nation has a well-established healthcare system with many drawbacks, mostly due to economic and…

  • Preventing HIV Infections Using HIV Education

    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that attacks and destroys the immune system’s helper T cells, placing a person at risk for further infection and disease. Spread by bodily fluids through sexual contact, coming in contact with infected blood, and with the use of infected drug needles or equipment, HIV is becoming more and…

  • Management Of Employee Welfare And Discrimination

    Wages and Hours Protection-The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA): FLSA is a United States Federal law that was established in 1938. It ensures specialists by setting norms for the lowest pay permitted by law, additional time pay, recordkeeping, and youth work. This law covers full-time and low maintenance laborers in the private division and administrative,…

  • Essay on Difference between Public Health and Healthcare

    Public health is about helping individuals stay healthy by protecting them from possible threats to their health, this can be done through promoting medicine and nursing but before individuals get to the state of needing medicine, public health may put in place resources to improve their health and wellbeing and reduce the causes of ill…

  • Essay on Is Healthcare a Public Good

    I am writing to urge you to reconsider your position on price increases that Nostrum Pharmaceuticals, LLC may apply to future medications – these pricing decisions can have a detrimental impact on patients, as these treatments often constitute a matter of life or death. Nostrum Pharmaceuticals LLC is engaged in the formulation and commercialization of…

  • Essay on Universal Healthcare Vs Single Payer

    I will be speaking to you all on the issues concerning a single-payer healthcare system. Okay, so raise your hand if you like free things. Let’s be honest—who doesn’t like free things? There was a study conducted where Americans were given a choice between a free item and a priced item. I was not surprised…

  • Essay on Universal Healthcare in Malaysia

    Malaysia is one of the countries that provides high-quality service in terms of healthcare services and now it has come to be an alternate destination for medical tourism aside from Singapore, Thailand, and India. Since the year 2000, the number of tourists who seek healthcare in Malaysia has been increasing as people see it as…