Category: Hard Times

  • Analysis of Social Issues in Hard Times

    Charles Dickens’s novel Hard Times demonstrates numerous social issues which were present in the 1840s and which would be of universal and timeless concern to the audience if they were of today’s modern society. Different elements of the social issues which are presented in the novel Hard times contribute to the overall structure of novel…

  • Fact Versus Fancy in Hard Times: Critical Analysis

    “Dicken’s Hard Times begins in a classroom of facts and concludes in the circus of fancy. In a well-organized and coherent essay, discuss the significance of this shift of the setting to the theme of the novel. “ The theme of Fact and Fancy features prominently within Hard Times, reflecting a debate of major concern…

  • Hard Times By Charles Dickens: Thomas Gradgrind And Louisa Sharacters

    “Hard Times” is a novel written by Charles Dickens in 1854, taking place in a small town called Coketown. In this novel, we learn about many characters, but two stick out to the readers the uttermost, Thomas Gradgrind and Louisa. Gradgrind is brought into the novel as a schoolteacher. “Mr. Gradgrind is a successful ‘businessman’”.…

  • Hard Times By Charles Dickens: Thomas Gradgrind And Louisa Sharacters

    “Hard Times” is a novel written by Charles Dickens in 1854, taking place in a small town called Coketown. In this novel, we learn about many characters, but two stick out to the readers the uttermost, Thomas Gradgrind and Louisa. Gradgrind is brought into the novel as a schoolteacher. “Mr. Gradgrind is a successful ‘businessman’”.…

  • Narrative Construction In Hard Times By Charles Dickens

    The characters created by Charles Dickens in Hard Times are a collection of victims and victimizers, some pitiable, others damnable. Dickens juxtaposes the errors of rationalism against the established values that individuals hold within a circus group. Through the characterisation of Thomas Gradgrind and his children Tom and Louisa, Dickens examines the impoverishment of life…

  • Idea of the Industrial Revolution in Hard Times: Critical Analysis

    The industrial revolution was a pivotal point in time during the Victorian age, perhaps even one of the most compelling chapters in English history. The writers of the day drew increasingly urgent attention to the condition of England and the working-class Charles Dickens introduced Hard Times and the idea of the industrial revolution as the…