Category: Gothic Literature

  • Gothic Themes In The Fall Of The House Of Usher

    As far as the sense of gothic, The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe was one of the texts that really stuck out. The story is about the narrator, Edgar Allen Poe, the narrator’s friend, Rodreick, and Rockreick’s sister, Madeline. The first conflict is when Madeline gets sick and it is…

  • Gothic Literature’s Influence On Modern Society

    Modern writing has changed time and time again throughout the centuries. Arguably, one of the biggest influences for modern writing was gothic literature. Gothic literature was such a dramatic change from many previous works due to its dark, mysterious, melancholy tone. This different approach to writing allowed authors to express themselves in a different way…

  • The Tell-Tale Heart’: Sane or Insane Essay

    The Tell-Tale Heart is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe in 1843. The piece talks about the life of an unnamed narrator who is suffering from psychosis and his continued attempt to prove his sanity. Operating from the first person point of view, Poe enables readers inside the head of the protagonist and…

  • House Taken Over Analysis

    “The fall of the House of Usher” and” House Taken Over” are two stories we have read so far. These stories have similar stories with the whole house being taken over by a mysterious entity. Although both stories are technically different genres with “The Fall of the House of Usher” being gothic literature and “House…

  • Romanticism And The Gothic Literature

    The 19th century was a marking era in literature with many movements and genres gaining popularity. After examining the romantic and gothic genre, it is clear that Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley respects the ideals of romanticism and the gothic genre. It is thus because of the setting’s frightening and sublime elements, it t is…

  • High Culture/Popular Culture Debate In Relation To Romantic Gothic

    High and Popular Gothic were classed as poisonous novels which were read in secret. Beattie criticises the reading of sensationalist gothic novels as a dangerous past time because “Romances are a dangerous recreation… and tend to corrupt the heart and simulate the passions” (Beattie, J, (1970), pp. 309-327). In this assignment, I will argue that…