Category: Gothic Fiction

  • Gothic Elements In The Story The Fall Of The House Of Usher

    The Fall of the House of Usher has strong literary elements that make it align with the more Gothic style writing that once came from romanticism. Gothic literature is a certain writing style that is mainly defined by its use of death, fear, horror, gloom and while using more romantic features like very high and…

  • Gothic Elements In The Story The Fall Of The House Of Usher

    The Fall of the House of Usher has strong literary elements that make it align with the more Gothic style writing that once came from romanticism. Gothic literature is a certain writing style that is mainly defined by its use of death, fear, horror, gloom and while using more romantic features like very high and…

  • Essay on Gothicism

    Physical Setting Conrad was deeply fascinated by the circumstances that established men’s perseverance and were fascinated by physical realism. This curiosity propelled him into realities that he presented in romantic charm and ‘ adventurous exaltation’ in the novella. The very opening line of the novella, “The sea-reach of the Thames stretched before us like the…

  • Essay on Gothic Villain

    The literary term Gothic incorporates a number of sub-genres under it. Gothic Film forms one of the significant genres. Heidi Kaye in Gothic Film writes “ Gothic, as a genre born in darkness, has a natural affinity with the cinema’1. A film as a visual medium serves as a great spectacle for the audience to…

  • How Does Shelley Create Her Gothic Atmosphere: Essay

    Who doesn’t love a theatrical drama filled with contemplation? Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a spectacular adaption of the renowned 1817 gothic novel, Frankenstein, and is a movie lover’s dream, touching the thoughts of viewers since its release in 1994. Today, Branagh has sat down with me to discuss how he has used gothic elements, such…

  • Structure Of The Gothic Novel

    In Gothic literature, novels use a wide range of themes that center around gothic elements. Beginning in the early eighteenth century, these elements began a new genre that incorporated the ideas of the supernatural, horror, and dark events and sceneries. Horace Walpole’s novel The Castle of Ontranto is regarded as the beginning of Gothic literature.…

  • The Images Of House And Characters In The Fall Of The House Of Usher

    The Usher mansion is transformed into the lifeless counterpart of the inhabitants. It is a symbol and a valuable character that makes the transition between the realm of the dead and that of the living creatures; it symbolizes death and decomposition. Its walls are encapsulating and suffocating the Usher twins, bringing the fall both inwardly…

  • The Images Of House And Characters In The Fall Of The House Of Usher

    The Usher mansion is transformed into the lifeless counterpart of the inhabitants. It is a symbol and a valuable character that makes the transition between the realm of the dead and that of the living creatures; it symbolizes death and decomposition. Its walls are encapsulating and suffocating the Usher twins, bringing the fall both inwardly…

  • Isolation In Gothic Stories And Films

    The style of writing found in Gothic literature was used by many writers in the early 1800 and 1900s and can still be found in writing today. Within Crimson Peak by Guillermo del Toro and “Death in the Woods” by Sherwood Anderson, the theme of Isolation can be identified. Within Crimson Peak by Guillermo del…

  • The Feather Pillow: Is It Gothic Or Magical Realism?

    In “The Feather Pillow” there are elements that make the genre of the story Gothic Literature and Magical Realism, but the question is if it is Gothic or Magical Realism and if it’s Gothic would it be Traditional or Modern? The story has elements of the unknown, dark bleak settings, and the supernatural. Thus, the…