Category: God

  • God’s Laws and Gospels Relationship



    Table of Contents Introduction Jesus Christ and the Law The Use of Law and Gospel in Different Religions The Use of Law and Gospel within Christianity Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction In the Old Testament, God gave different laws to guide people on how to lead an acceptable lifestyle under the standards of moral behaviors. Additionally,…

  • The Epistle to the Romans: God and Human Beings



    The attempts to justify God’s treatment of human beings play an important role in the Bible. This issue is explored in the Epistle to the Romans, in which Apostle Paul discusses God’s relations with the people of Israel. To some degree, his rhetoric can be regarded as the theodicy aimed at showing that the divine…

  • “If God, Then What?” by Andrew Wilson



    Prologue In this part, the author talks about his law problems in the USA and a debating competition at Yale University (10-12). It is exciting to read about Wilson’s understanding of the importance of asking questions (13). I agree with the author that questions help people perceive the world in which they live. Wilson identifies…

  • Perry’s ‘Dialogue on Good, Evil, and the Existence of God’



    Discussions about the role of God in human life attract people’s attention and create many supporters, as well as opponents. In the Dialogue on Good, Evil, and the Existence of Good, Perry introduces several characters with rather different positions. Weirob admits that God, as an all-powerful and all-knowing creature, cannot exist due to the presence…

  • Covenant Idea Between God and the Jewish People



    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Jews in the Bible are a religious-ethnic group of people descending from Abraham and connected with God by several unions (covenants). The beginning of the Jewish people’s formation can be considered the conclusion of an agreement between God and Abraham. God’s Covenant for the Israeli…

  • Divinity: Does God Allow Evil?



    Table of Contents Introduction The Definition of God and Common Historical Arguments Appraisal of Arguments Conclusion Works Cited Introduction While proving the reality of God seems to be counterproductive to the belief, numerous philosophers have attempted to outline various arguments that aim to prove the existence of such a power. Most assertions formulate themselves on…

  • The Nature of God and Humanity



    Traditionally, the nature of God is perceived in Christianity through the lens of the Triune. Namely, God is seen as the omnipotent amalgamation of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The specified interpretation also implies that God holds absolute power over every human being, as well as every element of nature and reality,…

  • Presence of God In the Middle of a Person’s Leadership: “Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership” by Ruth Barton



    Table of Contents Thesis of the Book Support Strengths Weaknesses Conclusion References Thesis of the Book It is quite a pervasive occurrence in today’s hectic environment for oneself to lose the connection with the soul. From the religious point of view, the soul is a very private space where God’s Spirit dwells to be united…

  • Philosophical Arguments for God’s Existence



    Table of Contents Introduction Anselm’s Ontological Argument for God Three Criticisms of Anselm’s Argument Argument Evaluation Conclusion References Introduction The existence of God is one of the oldest debates in the history of humanity, and the topic is still extremely popular today. Anselm of Canterbury was among the first philosophers to present arguments that explain…

  • God’s Existence Arguments in the High Middle Ages



    To begin with, the works of Ibn Rushd and St. Thomas Aquinas represent their own understanding and approval of the existence of God. Both philosophers prove God’s existence by using logical connections and references from religious sources. Remarkably, while Ibn Rushd uses Quran as his Holy Book, St. Tomas Aquinas is Christian, and he finds…