Category: God

  • Anti-Theistic Arguments on Existence of God



    Usually, people perceive religion and belief as aspects of personal choice that are difficult or impossible to dispute. Most often, belief is based on unjustified facts or events; however, this feature does not prevent people from holding on to their positions. On the other hand, anti-theistic arguments are most often based on scientific and philosophical…

  • Stoicism: Theory on God and Theory on Emotions



    The ancient philosophy, Stoicism, suggests people can track down joy by depending on their internal identity by offering security and harmony notwithstanding savagery. Stoics instructed that excellence, the most elevated great, depends on information and that the astute can live in amicability with the heavenly (Tanner 24). The Stoic God is an all-inescapable, intrinsic, dynamic…

  • Existence of God: Philosophical Proofs



    Table of Contents Introduction St. Thomas Aquinas’ Cosmological Argument St.Anselm’s Ontological Argument Conclusion Works Cited Introduction I will argue in support of the argument brought forward by St. Aquinas that God exists since we can experience him through our senses, live up to his purposes and be guided by his perfect will. Human beings are…

  • “Man Becomes the Image of God…” by John Paul II



    The following work illustrates the ways in which the narrative of Genesis defines both the unity and duality of man. The unity is made distinct by the human nature of people, while the duality represents masculinity and femininity. It also depicts that man was created not only with a particular value for God and himself.…

  • The Natural World as God’s Creation



    The video “Army of Sea Urchins?” by BBC Studios depicts the kelp’s interwoven complex life system and interactions between creatures, emphasizing the supply of nutrients from the depths to the upper layers. For instance, sea urchins are necessary attachments to sea rocks, accounting for enormous regions of kelp forest clearings known as urchin barrens. The…

  • The Aspects of the Reign of God



    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference Introduction Christians acknowledged that Jesus’ life initiated God’s rule and would shortly come to fruition following his death. I believe that Jesus essentially taught love for God and people. With this value, I trust that heaven’s reach for Christians gets closer when people practice them wholeheartedly. Discussion One…

  • Descartes’ Proofs of God’s Existence and Explanation of Human Errors



    Table of Contents Introduction Third Meditation. Cosmological Proof of God Fifth Meditation. Ontological Proof of God Meditation 4. Why Humans Make Errors Conclusion Works Cited Introduction A famous treatise Meditations on First Philosophy, published by the French mathematician, philosopher, and scientist René Descartes in 1641, contains several ambitious claims. First of all, Descartes attempted to…

  • Religious Beliefs Validity: the Existence of God



    According to the notion of Karma, each action that a person does have outcomes known as repercussions. It is within the context of the repercussions that the notion encourages people to do things, which are good and stay away from bad activities (Moore and Bruder 488). The Karma notion claims that people evolve through a…

  • God Existence: Deductive and Inductive Arguments



    The question of whether God exists has been the focus of discussions since the times immemorial. Numerous arguments have been provided by both sides of the discussion, each being rather impressive and logically coherent. In the text under analysis, both deductive and inductive reasoning is used to prove that God does not exist. For instance,…

  • Jesus’ Identity: God, Man, or Both?



    Religion is a unique phenomenon that unites a certain group of people by presenting them with common values, beliefs, and worldviews. In most cases, it arises from the idea that some almighty creature could impact people’s lives and their destinies, as well as contribute to their spiritual growth. However, the character of this creature remains…