Category: God

  • “The God Delusion” Book by Richard Dawkins



    During his academic career, Richard Dawkins, a prominent evolutionary biologist, popularized science and sharply criticized religion, considering it dangerous and unnecessary for modern society. He contributed to debates on religion with his book The God Delusion. This text is unwelcomed by the theological community for its superficial arguments and fallacious view of religion. This essay…

  • Analysis of Arguments for God’s Existence



    There are different approaches in philosophy that discuss the existence of God from all viewpoints. Some intend to prove that God exists, whereas other concepts support the idea of his non-existence. The third ones suggest the idea of agnosticism, claiming that it is not possible to prove the existence or non-existence of God. The basis…

  • God Is Dead: Friedrich Nietzsche’ Argument



    Table of Contents Introduction Reconstruction of the Argument Reaction to the Argument Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Many philosophers, researchers, and scientists have explored the problem of God or any other immaterial power that can explain humans’ existence. Friedrich Nietzsche, who lived during the Industrial Revolution that brought crucial changes not only to the everyday life…

  • “How God Became Jesus?” a Book by Michael Bird



    Table of Contents Introduction Summary of the book Strengths Weaknesses Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Conclusion Introduction How God became Jesus is a masterpiece book by Michael Bird, who is a theology lecturer at the Ridley Melbourne College of Mission and Ministry. This book deconstructs various claims by Bart Ehrman in his book, How Jesus Became…

  • Why Did God Ask Abraham to Sacrifice His Son Isaac



    Table of Contents Introduction Explanation of the God’s action The flaws in existing explanations Conclusion Introduction Questions about why God asked Abraham to sacrifice his own son have been raised countless times, and for a number of reasons. The most common belief is that by demanding a sacrifice from Abraham, God tested his faith, will,…

  • Does God Know the Future?



    I would say yes, God knows the future. The reason why God knows the lot is that he is beyond the issue of time. Before the world began, He was, and that is why he created the world. Before the creation, He saw the future as a present reality, including every detail of human history…

  • Issues in Philosophy: Does God Exist?



    Religion and God are personal beliefs and depend upon whether individuals believe in the existence of God. Nils Rauhut asserts that belief in God should be accompanied by devotion “through prayer” “religious rituals” and readings of “the holy books like Bible or Koran” (Pg. 173). On the other hand, disbelief in God would be accompanied…

  • A God-Sized Vision by Collin Hansen and John Woodbridge



    Table of Contents Concepts and Insights from the Text Application and Implementation of the Concepts and Insights References Footnotes Concepts and Insights from the Text The book under review is A God-Sized Vision by Collin Hansen and John Woodbridge. This book is a thoughtful and rather interesting work that provides a series of new insights…

  • How the Knowledge of God Transforms Our Lives



    The learning paths that we embark on play a fundamental role in shaping how we view the world and the paradigms that we chose to live by. These constructs become rooted in our minds and govern our interpretations of life and everyday situations. Biblical education is different from other fields in that it shapes our…

  • Socrates’ Understanding of God



    Socrates is accused of impiety, or “not believing in the gods in whom the city believes (West & Plato, 1979, 24b).” At first glance, it appears as if Socrates is charged with atheism, but the philosopher is, in fact, ostracized for believing in “other new spiritual things (West & Plato, 1979, 24b).” Socrates believed in…