Category: God

  • God Speaks to Humanity by Ingrid Mattson Review



    The author of the book God Speaks to Humanity Ingrid Mattson is an activist in the field of theology and religious studies. She raises important issues in the religion of Islam, is engaged in educational activities that help people treat Muslims with an open mind. This book describes the history of the origin of Islam,…

  • Human Dignity: Created in God’s Image



    The concept of human dignity from the religious perspective serves as the principal guidance for people. It correlates with the essential perceptions and societal affairs, which are managed with regard to this quality. Therefore, it is critical to demonstrate the source of this phenomenon, its principal characteristics, and the relation to proper treatment and respect…

  • “How Does God Speak to Us?”: The Speaker Assessment



    The speaker began his story as emotionally as possible, even slightly aggressively: constant gestures and moving around the stage prove this. Therefore, his performance can be called good since the audience constantly reacted to his words. The speaker used relatively simple words, without terms, focusing on the unusual context of certain words: when speaking about…

  • Paley’s Teleological Argument and Intelligence of God



    Paley’s teleological argument in the watchmaker analogy suggests that the complexity of animal organisms is sourced from the intelligence of the creator, God. One of the examples of animal features that can be compared in complexity to a watch analogy is the development of night vision. Night vision provides a significant strategical advantage for animals;…

  • John Milton’s Concept of God in “Paradise Lost”



    In the twelve books of John Milton’s Paradise Lost, the poet not only weaves an elegant story depicting the Biblical story of the fall from Eden and the nature of hell but presents his readers with a concept of God that remains somewhat ambiguous. Depending upon the way in which the reader approaches the story,…

  • James Horn’s “A Land as God Made It”



    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion Footnotes Bibliography Introduction The book A Land as God Made It: Jamestown and the Birth of America written by James Horn, relate to the hardships that the early European colonizers faced in their pursuit of rich and flourishing civilizations.[1] The Europeans had traversed across the Pacific in search of…

  • The God-King Odin Myth on the Hindustan Times Site



    Hindustan Times defines myth as an individual’s truth; it may be a “cultural, religious, and national” fact that provides society with a similar perspective to operate inside and binds them. The myth chosen to be written about is the tale of the Aesir tribe’s God-King Odin, who sacrificed greatly to advance humanity’s spirituality It is…

  • Descartes’ View on God, Evil Demon, and Cartesian Circle



    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Summary Work Cited Introduction Rene Descartes is known for his ontological argumentation in support of the existence of God. However, there are several issues with the view of the omnipotent and perfect God. For example, atheists appeal to the idea that if God existed, he would strive to prevent…

  • Religious History of the God-Fearers



    Theology is a complex field of study mainly because of its divine subject. The Holy Bible and different historical teachings describe people that were called God-fearers. Cornelius is the person demonstrated in the tenth chapter of the Apostles’ Acts in the New Testament and is named the God-fearer. This example is the first time I…

  • “Where the Hell Is God?” Book by Richard Leonard



    Suffering and evil are common topics that cause people to question their beliefs. Theodicy provides a logical solution to the existence of evil on Earth, although some may take this philosophy as an explanation of people’s misery. One’s traumas and death may cause alienation from God among those affected by the incident (Leonard, 2010). However,…