Category: Germany

  • Women in Nazi Germany: An Essay

    Women in Nazi Germany were undoubtedly recognized as the ‘home-makers’ and mother figures of the household. However, although politically non-existent, during the period leading up to the Second World War, women were intensely involved within the Nazi Regime, regardless of whether they supported the regime or not. Thus, demonstrating a transformative perception of women and…

  • Difference between Germany and UK’s Refugee Policy

    Germany and UK both are European countries, but when it comes to the refugees, Germany is way more generous than the Uk. The three main differences between the refugee policies of the two countries are the number of asylum applications, financial support, and license to work. Beside these differences, the two countries have two similarities…

  • Critical Analysis of World War II and Great Depression in America and Germany

    When looking into comparing and contrasting America and Germany economies during World War II and how the war affected them financially the overview of each country before the war with both countries facing tragic events with Germany with the Treaty of Versailles and America with the Great Depression that crippled both of their economy. Then…

  • Confronting Germany’s Nazi Past as the Main Motive of the Student Rebellion of 1968

    The wave of rebellion that swept across West Germany in 1968 is commonly documented to be an attempt to confront the Nazi past. This was exhibited through the mass of student protests by the so-called ‘68ers’, dragging the issues they were passionate about into the public sphere so they could no longer be ignored. As…

  • Importance of Cross-Cultural Competencies in Transnational Companies: Case of Tesla Factory in Germany

    Introduction Multi-national companies are increasingly prevalent in today’s global market, however cross-cultural competence including communication is a core aspect. Cross-cultural competence is integral to communications and having global companies work with teams in different countries; it is about understanding one’s own culture and that of the counterparts with varied values, belief systems, attitudes and language…

  • Essay on Universal Healthcare in Germany

    Although the United States spends more money on health care per capita than any other country on the planet, this does not mean that it provides the best care available anywhere else. As a result, despite having the world’s most expensive healthcare system, which costs more than 16% of GDP, we also have one of,…

  • Does Minimum Wage Affect Unemployment: Essay

    Literature Review: In January 2015 Germany passed a statutory national minimum wage (NMW). This is the first time Germany has had an economy-wide minimum wage. It was introduced at a level of €8.50 per hour. Previously there were only minimum wages in specific sectors of the German economy. The introduction of a minimum wage has…

  • Causes of The World War I

    The World War I or the Great War started on July 28, 1914, and ended in 1918 with the Treaty of Versailles. The First World War started after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria on June 28, 1914. In the First World War, the Triple Alliances which were Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy fought…

  • How did World War 1 Change the World Essay

    The main idea in the Treaty of Versailles was that since Germany was considered responsible for World War I, it had to accept full responsibility for causing the war. They had to pay the Allies over about thirty-three million dollars for the cost of the war, German territory was considerably reduced, and the German army…

  • Was World War 2 a Good War? Essay

    World War 2 lasted between 1 September 1939 to 2 September 1945. The war impacted the lives of many people in numerous ways; politically, socially, economically and psychologically. In Britain and Germany, the ways in which people’s lived were affected through a social aspect are employment/unemployment rates, how the lives of children were affected and…