Category: Gender

  • Gender, Race and Sexuality Issues in Society

    Gender difference is not biologically based, but instead it is a social construction because individuals are socialized to behave in a certain manner with specific roles to play. Women have never enjoyed their rights and freedom since time in memorial because of male patriarchy and oppression that society has always perpetrated against them. Feminism emerged…

  • Gender Pay Gap Problem Overview

    Table of Contents Introduction Scientific Perspective Statistics Gender Pay Gap in Big Business History of Gender Inequality in the US Civil Resistance Conclusion Reference List Introduction Gender inequality has many manifestations around the world, especially in working relationships. The gender pay gap is one particular aspect that causes the most objection from communities in different…

  • Researching of Gender and Work-Life Balance

    Table of Contents Project Management Demographics Flexible Schedules and Work Responsibilities HR Benefits of Child and Elder Care Work-Life Balance and Its Impact on Performance References Project Management Demographics There is only a scarce amount of evidence dwelling on the role of women within the field of project management. Nevertheless, the existing quantitative statistics show…

  • Gender Stereotyping at Workplaces

    Organizations have been working on gender stereotypes for many decades. They have invested resources in the career development of women. They have even conducted prejudice recognition training within the workplaces. Front runners, including many CEOs, are publicly committed to making the workplace more equitable. Despite this, the progress toward gender equality has been slow. Many…

  • Parents’ Gender Roles and Children’s Aspirations

    Table of Contents Introduction Gender stereotypes Conclusion References Introduction The article in question dwells upon the development of stereotypes in children and adolescents. Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014) state that parents inflict their implicit and explicit beliefs concerning gender roles on their children. Croft et al. (2014) utilize the social role theory as a…

  • Gender Differences in Aggression

    Aggression is a natural response to the stimuli that a human brain perceives as unpleasant. However, a combination of biological factors and socialization has conditioned men and women to demonstrate aggression and respond to it differently (Nivette et al., 2019). Focusing on social aspects specifically and the notion of gender as self-expression based on socially…

  • The Color of Sex: Postwar Histories of Race and Gender

    The article “The Color of Sex: Postwar Photogenic Histories of Race and Gender in National Geographic Magazines” issues from Catherine Lutz and Jane Collins’s pen and features a powerful volume “The Gender/Sexuality Reader”. This volume, as a whole, can be distinguished in the ocean of books devoted to the ideas of race, gender, and sexuality…

  • Gender and Sexuality in Modern Society

    The topic of gender and sexuality this week emphasized how anthropology is connected to modern society and the world as it provides a historical and cultural perspective on women’s role and position in society. It was interesting to learn how gender as a social construct initially resulted from the physical differences and effectiveness in labor…

  • Implications of Current Gender Expectations

    The article by Mary Ellen Alu (2019) focuses on social differences between the sexes. Society places many stereotypes on both men and women, infringing certain values, which create conflicts and problems. As these values are ingrained during childhood, people find it difficult to resist them in adulthood. Understanding why the damaging gender ideas are implanted…

  • Racial Formation and Gender Performance in “13th”

    Table of Contents Introduction Racism and Racial Formation Minority Groups and Gender Performance Conclusion References Introduction The film 13th is an Oscar-nominated documentary regarding such topics as racism, minorities, incarceration, police brutality, and other relevant social themes in post-Civil War America. The contemporary society actively attempts to make a positive change in these fields, however,…