Category: Free Will

  • Free Will by Kant, Descartes, Sartre, and Nietzsche

    Introduction Can human beings act independently and make their own choices, or their decisions are not autonomous and are influenced by various factors? Do they have the right to do what they want? Are they free? Individuals have always been trying to find answers to these questions as they can help to understand the basics…

  • Free Will from d’Hobach’s Determinist Perspective

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion Reference Introduction The quote “Man’s life is a line that nature commands him to describe upon the surface of the earth…” is a great example of a determinist philosophy concept. It was written by d’Holbach in his work The System of Nature, which was published in 1770 (Speaks,…

  • Robert Kane’s Visions of Free Will and Responsibility

    Robert Kane, a famous philosopher, formulated the concept of free will, which is a relevant topic for discussion even nowadays. Free will is one of the most debatable problems of philosophy; many people still examine human will as an object of freedom. This topic is highly relevant to philosophers and ordinary people, as philosophy discusses…

  • Free Will and Determinism: Can They Coexist?

    Table of Contents Introduction Free Will Determinism Compatibilism Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Through the pleasures and woes of life, humans often find themselves in states of regret, denial, or any of the plethoras of emotions felt after a regrettable or punishable action. One may wonder whether these emotions or reactions are reasonable. That would depend…

  • Free Will Defence and Importance for Person

    Table of Contents The Problem of Free Will A Defense of Free Will Free Will is an Attribute of the Human Person References The Problem of Free Will Free will implies the possibilities open to the individual and the available action choices. The compatibility of freedom as a personality trait with determinism raises the problem…

  • Determinism and “Free Will” by Derk Pereboom

    Determinism is a well-established school of thought, arguing that all actions performed are entirely determined (hence the name) by psychological, biological, or other causes. Thus, all actions are entirely rational and could be explained. Sometimes it also precludes free will, since if all human actions are determined by their experience and biology, then that person…

  • Free Will Defence and Importance for Person

    Table of Contents The Problem of Free Will A Defense of Free Will Free Will is an Attribute of the Human Person References The Problem of Free Will Free will implies the possibilities open to the individual and the available action choices. The compatibility of freedom as a personality trait with determinism raises the problem…

  • The Importance of Free Will in Three Theban Plays

    One of the key concepts touched upon in all three Theban plays completed by Sophocles is the existence of free will and its influence on human lives. This argument should be mostly based on the idea that each person has a predisposition to autonomy. The only responsibility for people is to realize the areas where…

  • Do People Have Free Will? Psychologists Answer

    One of the central and widely discussed questions of neuroscience and philosophy is whether we have free will. Scientists’ opinions about what free will is, and even about the reality of its existence, are very contradictory. The idea of free will can be conveyed as the ability for self-control, and the conscious suppression of impulses…

  • Are Free Will and Determinism Compatible?

    Philosophical metaphysics teaches that all human decisions have underlying causality and motivation, and the freedom to express personal free will is the basis for most of them. It is challenging to call free will one of the inalienable rights of a citizen, for it is difficult to delineate where its limits end; in general, free…