Category: Frederick Douglass

  • The Speech “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” by Frederick Douglass

    Discussion of Frederick Douglass’ speech “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” reveals forces which he implicated in the alienation and subjugation of African-Americans. His perspective allows determining why he felt like a foreigner even when he was born in the US. Douglass considered hypocrisy, sham, and inequality in the celebration of the…

  • Frederick Douglass: Liberation From Bondage

    Douglass’s illustration of the slavery horrors in his book impresses with the hardships slaves had to face and either overcome or accept as a given. The described events are barbaric, and it is hard to believe they could take place not long ago. The author masterfully conveys to his readers the thought that the dehumanization…

  • Rhetoric in “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”

    Table of Contents Introduction Analysis of Ethos in the Narrative of Douglass Conclusion Works Cited Introduction During the legally forced labor in America, which took place between 1830 and 1865 when towards the end of the civil war, African American narrators intensified one of the country’s truly aboriginal kinds of published texts. The narrative by…

  • “What the Black Man Wants” by Frederick Douglass

    In his essay, Douglass calls for giving the fate of African-Americans into their own hands, to save them from the domination of Europeans. It also requires them to have the right to choose work, employer, and working hours, which free people can do. Voting right is also an essential requirement of Douglass. He believes that…

  • Frederick Douglass’ Illustrations Concerning Slavery

    Table of Contents American Slavery Lesson from Frederick Douglass’s Writings Common Misconceptions about Slaves Impacts of Slavery on Slaves and Slave Holders Christianity Justification by Slaveholders Bibliography American Slavery Frederick Douglass was an abolitionist and social reformer who fought for the emancipation of slaves in the United States. He was born into slavery in Maryland…

  • Margaret Fuller’s and Frederick Douglass’ Rhetorical Styles

    Table of Contents Margaret Fuller Fredrick Douglass Comparison Conclusion Bibliography Margaret Fuller Margaret fuller was born in 1810 in England. She was a brilliant woman who started transcendentalism and championed the fight for women to be given equal rights as the men. Due to her brilliance she stood out, unfortunately she was unappreciated in the…

  • “Narrative of the Life…” by Frederick Douglass

    Table of Contents Introduction Douglass Destroys the Myth that Mulattoes cannot be Enslaved Christianity Interpreted Certain Scriptures Differently Destroying the Overly Romanticized Image of Slavery in Society Two Sides of Slavery Conclusion Work Cited Introduction In his Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Frederick Douglass attempts to deconstruct the stereotypes about slavery and its…

  • Frederick Douglass’ Characterization of Slave Masters

    Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass shows the true face of American slavery. This book does not simply reveal the life of slaves in factual details but also impresses with an abundance of literary devices that enhances the tragedy and ambiguity of past times. Here, Douglass uses allusion, reversal, and irony to emphasize the…

  • Frederick Douglass: Fighter for Afro-American Rights

    One of the most ardent champions of the movement for Afro-American rights, Frederick Douglass went a long way from being a slave to a well-known and respected member of American society. Having lived through many hardships, Douglass managed to retain the spirit of freedom that sustained him during all of his life. A slave and…

  • Life, Struggles, and Social Activities of Frederick Douglass

    Annotated Bibliography Assignment Wilson, K. H. (2018). Political paradoxes and the Black Jeremiad: Frederick Douglass’s immanent theory of rhetorical protest. Howard Journal of Communications, 29(3), 243-257. The article by Kirt H. Wilson analyzes the controversial nature of Frederick Douglass and his views on America and the long history of slavery in the United States. On…