Category: Food Waste

  • Food Waste Essay

    1. Introduction Food waste is any by-product or waste product generated from any level within the food chain. Hereinafter, identifies and discusses the food waste problem in Malaysia with a detailed explanation of factors contributing and the prevention activities taken by the food waste producers and related organizations. In addition, policies and regulations of the…

  • Why Should we Stop Food Waste? Essay

    What did you eat for breakfast? Scrambled eggs? Cereal? Oatmeal? All that sounds appetizing. But did you know that many people all around the world people are faced with hunger every day? Right now, as you are reading this, a person dies of starvation every six seconds. It’s not only the adults who face starvation,…

  • Food Waste and Combating It

    Food plays a pivotal role in shaping society with its abundance or dearth impacting all facets of life. The first industrial revolution transformed the way economies functioned and with food being an immensely valuable commodity, for much of the mid-1800s to the early 20th century, food wastage was dissuaded. The periods of rationing during the…

  • Food Waste and Its Reduction

    Identifying the need for a more cohesive communication channel within the food chain numerous applications like Flashfood, OLIO, Goodr etc. have emerged, providing a platform for connecting producers to consumers, retailers to charities and facilitating food sharing amongst consumers to help reduce food waste. Companies not a part of the traditional food chain have been…

  • Food Wastage Problem in the United States

    A recent study by Magnet found America as the second leading country in food wastage. The revelation that Americans generate an average of two hundred and seventy-eight kilograms per capita is a clear indication that the US is leading to food production. On the other hand, the figures demonstrate that the country lacks effective mechanisms…

  • Food Wastage and How Restaurants Could Influence a Circular Future

    According to Reset Editorial, an estimated 1.3 out of 4 billion plenty of food is wasted globally every year. Therefore, an estimated one-third of all the food produced within the world goes to waste. While the food goes to the landfills and starts to rot, it produces methane. This greenhouse emission could be a greater…

  • Food Waste: The Dumbest Environmental Problem

    Food waste has become a contributor to climate change, energy consumption, and the growing impoverished and food-deprived population. People’s lack of consideration is the base of this issue, and if we continue, these problems will progress and eventually reach to an extent of which is unreturnable. This is considered the dumbest environmental problem, as the…

  • Food Waste as a Widespread Problem of Our Time

    Food wastage is becoming a problem due to people adversely disposing food and the demographic who are partaking in the process of food waste are people such as categories of including supermarkets cafes restaurants, and other food associated industries. The reason for the increasing issue in food wastage is a result of people disposing of…

  • Food Waste as Urgent Problem in Hong Kong

    Hong Kong is a city with a population of about 7.1 million people and a popular dining culture. With various kinds of restaurants, from different local and traditional cuisines to international special tasting, people do not only enjoy the different flavors of food but as well waste a lot of it, 1/3 of solid waste…

  • Food Waste as a Problem: Causes and Prevention

    The negative externalities that arise from food waste justify government intervention to correct this market failure. Negative externalities occur when external costs of an economic transaction are not reflected in the price (Stiglitz & Rosengard, 2015). An oversupply of food leads to the inefficient use of scarce natural resources, the release of carbon dioxide as…