Category: Food

  • Food Deprivation in the United States



    Table of Contents References Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Food deprivation in the United States – as well as in the world – is caused by a number of complex socio-economic factors. Unfortunately, the global pandemic and its effects added one more layer of depth to this problem (World Health Organization, 2021). In 2020,…

  • Evaluation of Articles on Food and Water Security



    The distinction between popular and scholarly sources is vital to consider when conducting research. First of all, popular sources are often divided into subsections based on the discussed topics or are not separated at all. However, academic articles always follow a similar structure, which includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion (Saidi…

  • Global Food Supplies, Overpopulation and Pollution



    Table of Contents Introduction Threats to Global Food Supply Solutions Implications of the Solutions Conclusion References Introduction Food is an essential human need, and nobody can survive without eating for days. There are fears that the coming decades will be more hostile, especially to individuals who cannot afford decent meals in a day. This essay…

  • A Community Mobile Food Truck to Serve Disadvantaged Children’s Needs



    Date Submitted Grant Name Submitted to Address of Receiving Party Submitted by Address of Submitting Party Project Abstract The author of this proposal is seeking a grant of $94,735 for supporting the community project that is oriented toward addressing the needs of disadvantaged or low-income children and adolescents living and studying in Macomb County, Michigan.…

  • Nike, Whole Foods, and Mcdonald’s: The Use of Information Systems



    Information technology is an integral part of the functioning of all modern companies. They provide a large number of advantages that contribute to improving the functioning of organizations. Moreover, they help to attract more customers and significantly improve the customer experience. Therefore, using the example of such well-known companies as Nike, Whole Foods, and Mcdonald’s,…

  • Food Choices in Food Deserts: Sociological Analysis



    The selected research is focused on the investigation of factors impacting healthy dietary habits and the availability of healthy food for individuals, with the authors conducting the study revealing that limited financial resources remain the central problem associated with so-called food deserts. Considering the outstanding importance of fresh products and their affordability to people, it…

  • Bologna-Surface Bacterial Analysis: Bacterial Contamination on Two Food Contact Surfaces



    Introduction The natural environment contains many micro-organisms that are suspended in the air, in water and on other organisms, for instance, humans. Modern laboratories are busy settings as personnel usually share equipment across overlapping work stations, which are near busy areas or high-traffic instruments. Therefore, it is essential to practice proper aseptic techniques to enable…

  • Food Deserts and Their Impact on Local Communities



    Access to healthy food by all the members of society is one of the main conditions to reach sustainable development. However, in this regard, the current situation in the U.S. is far from ideal. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (2021), 53.6 million people (17.4 percent of the total population) live in food desert…

  • Food Preparation in Upper Paleolithic Ohalo II



    Table of Contents Methods Results Discussion Reference This article makes an effort to examine the spatial distribution of fourteen plant taxa found on floor III of brush hut 1, one of the six brush huts uncovered following the excavation of the Ohalo II Upper Paleolithic site in Israel. It then compares the results to other…

  • Technical Description of a Food Processor



    Introduction A food processor seems like one of those kitchen gadgets that, once owned, makes a person wonder how they ever survived without it. It is one of the broadest ranges of cooking equipment, acting as your own sous chef, cutting, combining, and mixing a number of ingredients while saving time and effort. The wide…