Category: Feminism

  • The Speeches “Is it a Crime to Vote?” by Anthony and “We Should All Be Feminists” by Adichie

    Table of Contents Introduction Context and Audience Key Arguments, Evidence, and Appeals to Authority Rhetorical Style and Personal Experience Silences and Absences What is to be Done Conclusion References Introduction As individuals who advocate for particular views and approaches about pertinent issues, politicians and activists use speeches to reach their target audiences. The primary goal…

  • A Killjoy Manifesto: a Feminist Killjoy

    Table of Contents Actions of a Feminist Killjoy Examples of the Killjoy Manifesto Applications Conclusion Works Cited The article describes a manifesto- a way of thinking proposed as the ideal life of a killjoy. Ahmed defines a feminist killjoy as a manifesto, which states, declares and spreads the ideals of a feminist (252). According to…

  • Radical and Reformist Feminism

    Table of Contents The Difference Between Radical Feminists and Reform Feminists Radical Feminists Reform Feminists Angela Davis References The belief in the equality of women and men has a long history. However, until the first wave of feminism in the 19th century, there was little to no public support for people who opposed discrimination and…

  • Feminism Oppression in Islam

    Introduction The issue of feminism has been debated for decades. There are various schools of thought on what feminism is, and what it should achieve. Ideally, a significant majority of these schools of thought are founded in the West, thereby, it can be argued that other cultures in other parts of the world tend to…

  • “Feminism Is for Everybody” Book by Bell Hooks

    Since the times of Adam and Eve, humanity has been divided into two parts. Men and women, although living side by side, were opposing each other all the time. Without going too deep into history, somewhere in the 18th century appeared the movement called feminism, meant to fight for women’s rights. One of the representatives…

  • “The Significance of Feminist Movement” by Bell Hooks

    Any reproductive types of speech are aimed to be perceived by the recipient. Therefore, the concept of rhetoric comes forth. Although people tend to think that mere direct address to the audience might ensure the success, there are many examples of successful texts where the author does not involve the reader into the discussion but…

  • Intersectionality: Specifics of Black Feminism

    The article I use in my research and would like to examine is the paper by Stéphanie Garneau titled “Intersectionality beyond feminism? Some methodological and epistemological considerations for research.” The author analyzes the existing approaches to the subject and aims to synthesize a new vision of intersectionality as a reflection of social reality specific to…

  • Feminism, Oppression, Masculinity, and Homophobia

    Introduction Feminism, a relatively new movement in the history of social, political, and philosophical thought (since it emerged in the late 19th century and evolved throughout the 20th century), has found an important place in modern social studies. During the 20th century, feminists succeeded in obtaining various rights that previously were the exclusive privileges of…

  • Frida Kahlo and Amrita Sher-Gil: Feminism in Faces

    Introduction Feminism evolved to become the most potent force for progress. It was a way of preserving women’s dignity and strength, as well as their sociocultural and personal experiences. Ideas of feminism emerged throughout history, transforming from a movement for voting rights into a movement about women’s freedom and social significance. Feminist narratives can be…

  • Why Feminism Is Present at Work According to Bell Hooks

    Gloria Jean Watkins from Kentucky is also known as an outstanding writer, feminist activist and cultural critic under the name of Bell Hooks. She has written more than thirty books, which are focused on racial, gender, cultural and other pressing issues (“About the Bell Hooks Institute” par. 1). “Feminism is for Everybody. Passionate Politics” covers…