Category: Father

  • Essay on Qualities of a Good Father

    After living for over twenty years now, I have realized that my father is a very significant figure in my life and that of our family. In a child’s existence, fathers are crucial. Along with mothers, they are one of the most influential figures in a child’s life. With their fathers, daughters feel safe, and…

  • Should Fathers Get Paternity Leave: Essay

    For the past decades, family dynamics have shifted from a single-income household, consisting of a breadwinning father and a caregiving mother. The trend has transitioned to a dual-income household, whereby income responsibilities rest in the hands of both parents. With that in mind, notably, mothers give birth nearly every day all around the world, yet,…

  • The Most Influential Person in My Life: Personal Narrative

    Each person has their own personality, but the way one acts today might be the result of what that person learned while growing up. One person can change another’s life in a variety of ways; a simple sentence from someone important to you can change your worldview completely. Other people’s influence is forever present in…

  • The Role And Significance Of Father

    We cannot deny the importance of a father. We can no longer dispute the role he plays in the home. But how important is a father? And how difficult to grow up without a father? In the bible, from the beginning, we know the role that our God has given to a father. God gives…

  • Why My Father Is My Role-Model

    Nowadays people look up to celebrities and athletes as their role model, which they follow their footsteps. In my case, I do not see them as a real role model, and to me, the definition of a role model is someone who has always been there helping and guides you based on their personal life…

  • Father-Son Relationships In The Novella Night

    In Eliezer Wiesel’s Nobel Peace Prize winning novella, Night, one of the most tormenting situations that trouble Wiesel involves father-son relationships which are breaking apart within the camps. Father-son relationships are evident when Wiesel is taken away from his homeland, when he sees other sons denying care for their own fathers in the camps and…

  • Interview with an Immigrant: Essay

    Immigrants who are residing permanently in a country are less likely to be attached to their country of origin as they depend on their host country for the material and financial needs of every kind that they were unable to have in their home countries. While they face a lot of heterogeneous-level cultural differences while…

  • Personal Experience Essay about Family

    Growing up as a child my dad was never there for me. I always saw families including a mum and a dad and then I would look at mine and feel like something was missing. My mum separated from my dad before I could even walk so I never really knew what it was like…

  • Reflective Essay on My Dad Teaching Me Hard Work

    Thank you to high school, for teaching me to be reluctant to failure. One of my toughest memories I have to look back on everyday is my failure to push myself throughout high school because of fear and doubt. Devastation is a strong word, but I feel that way knowing I didn’t try harder, knowing…