Category: Employee Motivation

  • Employee Motivation: Rewards and Incentives Role

    Table of Contents Introduction Arguments for use of employee incentives and rewards Arguments against use of employee incentives and rewards Conclusion Reference List Introduction Motivation refers to the psychological aspect that stimulates a being to action towards a desired goal; it is the activation of a purpose-orientated conduct. There are two kinds of motivation namely:…

  • Employee Motivation and Minimum Wage

    Critically discuss which theories of motivation may explain the establishment of a performance reward system with employing organizations Employee motivation is one of the hardest things for employing organizations to do right. Lack of motivation, stagnation, disillusionment, apathy, and laziness is probably the major banes of most businesses, which rely on their employees’ productivity for…

  • Employee Motivation Meeting: Planning and Organizing

    The topic of the meeting, its type, venue, type of meeting, and degree of formality Meeting topic: “Motivating and Encouraging Newly-Hired Employees.” The meeting will be held in a conference room as one of the series of meetings aimed at employee retention within the company. It is expected to be a problem-solving meeting where the…

  • Bims Inc.: Case Study. Employee Motivation

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Text Conclusion References Introduction When you carefully look on the questionnaire of the survey carried out by your company it’s pretty clear as to where the problem lies. It’s a clear case that the employees are lacking motivation, that is to say the morale of the employees is down. When…

  • Employee Union and Productivity Incentive Plans

    Employee union Organizations with unions should not try to persuade workers to decertify their union since these unions are a critical part of employee welfare. Reflectively, the basic building blocks of labor unions are identified as the need for collective bargaining and increased negotiation power. Labor unions are responsible for overseeing and formulating the political…

  • Employee Motivation at the Public Library

    Table of Contents The setting and specific management problem The client’s response to the recommendations The problems and successes The theory and practice of library management The problems encountered by the managers of public libraries Reference List The setting and specific management problem My client works as an acquisition librarian in a small public library.…