Category: Elections

  • 2020 Presidential Elections in the United States

    Table of Contents Overview Prognosis Strongest Candidates Key Races Conclusion Works Cited The next US presidential election will be held on November 3, 2020. As usual, the Americans will choose the president of the country along with his candidacy for the position of vice president. Traditionally, candidates from two parties – the Democratic and the…

  • Campaigns, Elections, and Political Participation

    The question of the role of “big money” in American politics elicits widespread controversies that remain unresolved to date. On the one side, proponents of unlimited and unregulated money in politics argue that such a scenario is the right recipe for a robust democracy. On the other, the opponents of this approach to campaign money…

  • The Agents Of Change: US Election

    Abstract Problems are part and parcel of every day life and in fact, it is rare to hear that any given individual has absolutely no problem; there are work, social, political, institutional, religious problems, to mention but a few. It is for this reason that we are always seeking effective ways to deal with our…

  • US Presidential Election of 1896

    Table of Contents Before the Elections During Elections Conclusion References It was considered one of the most exciting presidential elections in the history of the United States of America. It is indeed a very exciting contest between presidential candidates William Jennings Bryan (Democrat) and William McKinley (Republican) because the presidential election of 1896 was fought…

  • Russian Cyberterrorism and the United States Election 2016

    Introduction New communication technologies have brought about many benefits for this society, but they are also being weaponized. While political interference is a relatively old practice,1 the 2016 actions of Russian hackers, which consisted of interfering with the elections in the United States (US), demonstrate that this approach to the interaction between countries can be…

  • Information Warfare and Its Effect on Elections

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Information warfare is one of the most common topics in modern world politics. The information warfare’s psychological character makes it less dangerous to the population yet more effective for defensive purposes. Cyberspace, in this case, often acts as a battlefield for information warfare because it allows a…

  • Kirkuk City and the 2010 Elections in Iraq

    Table of Contents Location of Kirkuk City Political Importance of Kirkuk City Economic Importance of Kirkuk Strategic Location Demography of Kirkuk Kirkuk Status Since 2003 The 2010 Elections Works Cited Location of Kirkuk City Kirkuk is a city in Iraq that serves as the capital city of Kirkuk governorate. It is located 250 kilometers to…

  • Exercise Your Right to Vote in the Upcoming Election

    Table of Contents Introduction It is your constitutional right You can not do without a leader Whom you vote for matters, vote Don’t wait for next time, it may be too late Your vote counts Introduction The country draws closer to yet again an important time in its history. It is a time that will…

  • Unprecedented – The 2000 Presidential Election

    The film Unprecedented – The 2000 Presidential Election tells a mind-blowing story of the unlawful presidential elections in the United States. The events shown in the film are real historical events that take place in 2000 during the presidential elections. These elections are without a doubt, unprecedented in the history of the country because the…

  • Elections an the Role of Ethical Behavior

    Modern society is based on the ideas and concepts created by the civilizations of the past. Ethics, morality, and the logic of the structure of society have worried humanity for a long time. Over the thousands of years of the history of civilization as such, many peoples have created models and concepts designed to enable…