Category: Elections

  • Samuel Tilden in the Controversial 1876 Election

    After the Civil War, a period of political instability began in the United States. The country faced the task of restoring relations between the federal government and southern states, and this political process was called Reconstruction (Conlin, 2013). By the 1876 election, the population was significantly tired of Reconstruction and the accompanying tensions (Greenfield, 2003).…

  • Leaders Traits and the US Elections

    Both great man and trait theories agree that leaders are naturally raised to ascend to authority based on the same criteria. For example, conventional Western Europeans believed that a person born in a royal family or in a military background had high chances of leading the concern community. Similar views emerged in the US concerning…

  • The Vice Presidential Debate US Elections 2012

    Table of Contents Introduction Security Economy Unemployment Social Security and Health Social Issues Works Cited Introduction The US Vice- Presidential debate took place on 11 October 2012. The debate took place at The Central College in Danville- Kentucky. This was between Joe Biden of the Democratic Party and Ryan Paul of the Republican Party. Martha…

  • Presidential Elections: Strengths and Weaknesses

    Elections Strength The major strength of federal elections is their unfaltering commitment to fundamental beliefs and values of American society. The latest presidential elections that have been extremely competitive have proven that the candidates always enjoy the freedom of expression, assembly, and association, which aligns with the key rights documented in the Constitution. This democratic…

  • Elections: From the Fresh Start to the Steady Leadership

    Table of Contents Introduction “A Fresh Start” “Steady Leadership in Times of Change” Conclusion Works Cited Introduction When it comes to gaining power over the whole country, political leaders do their best to persuade people that they are the correct and the only choice. Election campaigns involve hundreds of people working on the image of…

  • The First Lady: US Campaigns and Elections

    Over centuries, the role of the First Lady has significantly evolved to reflect current political realities and expectations of the public. Currently, being the First Lady, as it is, is an unpaid position in which the Lady is required to work with some staff members to hold duties related to the White House hostess and…

  • Party Platforms and Winning Elections

    Party policies According to the Republican Party’s policy, the party believes in freedom. It states that it is “a party of freedom”, with a vision of “free speech, labor and soil”. With this slogan, the party called for immediate freedom for all American slaves in 1864 by supporting the 13th amendment (GOP, 2012). In my…

  • Electoral College or Game of Elections

    Table of Contents Introduction The Electoral College Changes in the Electoral College Criticism The Wave of Democratization Framers’ Equation for Responsible Governance Is the Electoral College Undemocratic? Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In America, the Electoral College selects the president as opposed to a popular vote. It means that the majority of American citizens cannot vote…

  • Election Campaigns and Logical Fallacies

    Table of Contents Introduction Campaigning, Voting, and Apportionment Conclusion Works Cited Introduction An election is a process of selecting a new person who will be responsible for representing the government or some other body. The general direction of a country’s movement depends on the decision of voters, who determine a specific composition of state and…

  • Voters’ Characteristics in Presidential Elections

    The characteristics of voters involved in the presidential election campaigns are an essential criterion for determining such indicators as prevailing age and race characteristics. Based on the review of the official data provided by the United States Census Bureau (2018), in the recent 2016 elections, older adults made up the predominant percentage of the population…