Category: Effects of Technology

  • Reflection On Science Fiction Genre: Opinion Essay

    Our understanding of the current world can be relayed through many mediums such as the likes of art and literature, science fiction being one of the most influential genres. Although science fiction may not be able to predict the future, it is able to encapsulate our modern context and beliefs thus science fiction is capable…

  • Research On Open Innovation

    Mario Kafouros and Nicolas Forsans examine in their research paper ‘The role of open innovation in emerging economies: Do companies profit from the scientific knowledge of others? The paper details the impact of external scientific knowledge on company profitability and more generally the role of open innovation in emerging economies, often where often technology less…

  • Features Of Science Fiction Ready Player One

    Well, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is a science fiction based on its systematic connotations of possibilities and breakthroughs in technological advancements. Science fiction in its entirety entails living the future in rather unimaginable conditions of the present that can only guarantee any such future achievements based on grit. It is therefore a logical…

  • The Potential Of Science Fiction To Examine The Present By Exploring The Future

    Science Fiction: A Commentary On Our Society? “Our species can only survive if we have obstacles to overcome. You take away all obstacles. Without them to strengthen us, we will weaken and die.” The above quote comes from Captain James T. Kirk, in an episode of Star Trek: The Original Series called ‘Metamorphosis’. The episode…

  • Scientific and Technological Developments of Modernity: Critical Essay

    The concept of modernity has been subject to investigation by many scholars and largely concerns components of industrialization, urbanization, education, secularization, and the creation of mass media. Socio-technological developments such as the modern city, railway travel, and mass media promoted criticism of tradition, and, when combined with changes in lifestyle due to ongoing war and…

  • Life without Technology: Critical Essay

    At the beginning of the earth, it was just a small part of the sun. Now it is the only place for the existence of life. Life started slowly from Stone Age to Modern Age. Then the people start to develop their places, changing their lifestyle. The most developing things from Stone Age to Modern…

  • Critical Essay on Whether Technology Is Mediated by the Society

    Technology was, is, and will be mediated by society. In order to understand it, we need to understand the roles played by technology in human existence and society. When technology is used, it helps to shape the relations between human beings and the world. People have always panicked about the implications of new technologies. They…

  • Essay about the Effect of Technology on Modern Society

    Technology and technological devices are constantly changing and evolving. This wavering progress causes constant changes in our everyday lives. Things that were once mere fantasies of the coming have become staples of today. Imagining life without electricity, transportation, smartphones, and social media is a nightmare for most of us. Society can be defined as a…

  • Teens and Technology Share a Future: Argumentative Essay

    It is no secret that there are both good and bad things about the use of technology. For teenagers, technology is a fun way to stay connected to their friends and family, like with social media apps like Instagram and Facebook (ReachOut Australia, 2019). Another way that some teenagers stay connected is through online-gaming, and…

  • Technology Ruins Society: Persuasive Essay

    Despite piles of evidence that the earth’s climate is rapidly changing, the United States government actively ignores the crisis. People around the world are becoming extremely anxious about our planet’s future. Sadly, this anxiety is often outweighed by the pressures of our consumerist society. Either way, anxiety, and other mental health issues are serious problems…