Category: Economic Development

  • Superpower Essay

    How do superpowers influence the global economy? “The sun never sets on the British empire”, (Brian Doone, 2019) is a famous historian quote that rings true to Britain’s situation before World War I. The rise of global superpowers has influenced the global economy in many ways and this trend started all the way back when…

  • Role of Transport in Economic Development

    Since ancient times, there was interdependence between shipping activity and the degree of economic development. Civilizations who managed to exploit natural advantages like waterways have managed to develop economically. Thus, in ancient times, countries such as Egypt, China, Greece and the Roman Empire grew economically by developing river and maritime transportation routes. Since the eighteenth…

  • Milton Friedman’s Speech ‘There Is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch’ and Its Key Messages: Analytical Essay

    Milton Friedman, former presidential advisor, Nobel prize winner, and coauthor of Income from Independent Professional Practice, was a world-renowned economist, well known and respected throughout the economic community for prominent advocation of free markets in society. In Friedman’s video ‘There Is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch’, Friedman discusses many popular political aphorisms, as…

  • Essay on Inclusive Economic Growth from Judith Teichman’s Perspective

    Judith Teichman in her book ‘The Politics of Inclusive Development’ explores the politics of inclusive development through an in-depth analysis of four case studies, Mexico, Indonesia, Chile, and South Korea, each with clear-cut development paths and different social welfare and distributive outcomes, and places these cases in the context of international development thinking and practice.…

  • Essay about Economic Development and Environmental Problems

    Environment or Development? One of the most controversial ethical issues in the modern business area is the conflict between environmental protection and economic development. Economic development demands that a large number of products be produced in a time as short as possible. Mass production, therefore, requires the involvement of factory work that would generate a…

  • Essay on Inflation and Unemployment

    1.1 Executive Summary The main objective of this report is to determine the factors that led to the issue of unemployment and disturbed the economy of Pakistan from 1999 to 2010. Unemployment is a very serious problem that causes the decline in the economic growth of a country and that also affects the international status…

  • Global Unemployment Essay

    Youth is the best to be understood as a period of transition from the dependence of childhood to adulthood’s independence. In Western societies, ‘youth’ is defined as “life stages between childhood and adulthood” and becoming independent from dependent (Kehily 2007). ‘Youth’ is often used to refer to those between the ages of leaving compulsory education…

  • What Was One Economic Effect of the Renaissance: Essay

    Introduction The Renaissance, a period of cultural and intellectual rebirth in Europe during the 14th to 17th centuries, brought about significant changes in various aspects of society. One area profoundly impacted by this era was the economy. As the Renaissance unfolded, a notable economic effect emerged—a transformation in trade and commerce. This essay explores the…

  • Economic Statistics Essay

    Our society is wholly shaped by Economics. The subject has interested me due to the advancement our world has undergone. Despite this, poverty lingers. (So,) when initially reading ‘Dead Aid’ by Moyo, it was very conflicting coming across “Aid has helped make poor poorer and growth slower.” (However, it was only) When I completed the…

  • Inflation Rate Essay

    Introduction The inflation rate is a key economic indicator that measures the rate at which prices of goods and services in an economy are rising over a specified period. It is a critical component of monetary policy, affecting consumers, businesses, and policymakers alike. This essay aims to provide a critical analysis of the concept of…