Category: Ebola

  • Ebola Virus: Definition and Biological Classification

    Table of Contents Definition Classification References Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Definition Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is an acute natural focal zoonotic viral infection characterized by febrile intoxication syndrome, phenomena of universal capillary toxicosis with a severe hemorrhagic syndrome, multiple organ lesions, and a high mortality rate. According to the antigenic properties…

  • Comparison of Marburg Virus and Ebola Virus

    Introduction Ebola and Marburg virus are very deadly viruses that result in significant outbreaks with high fatalities. These viruses have been underestimated in the current society because their outbreaks have been experienced in a few parts of the world. However, the number of fatalities experienced by those areas is very high. The aim of the…

  • Epidemiological Features of Ebola

    Introduction Dangerous communicable diseases have ceased to carry a big fear for both doctors and patients over the past few decades. The fact is that the developments of healthcare and progress in this sphere have caused quite strong protection of the population against possible severe ailments. However, even today, some infections practically do not lend…

  • Ebola Campaign Message

    Ebola is a non-discriminatory disease. For instance, it has affected health professionals and their patients alike. Its severity and non-discriminatory nature explain why, globally, people fear the disease (World Health Organization, 2015). The lack of a cure, or vaccine, has further compounded this problem. These factors explain why communities have struggled to survive under the…

  • The Case of Ebola Outbreak

    Table of Contents Introduction Basic Information Impact on Institutions Relief Efforts How Interventions Could Be Adapted Disaster Management and My Career Conclusion References Introduction The Ebola virus disease became one of the main concerns for medical specialists and scientists around the world in 2014. Particularly, Ebola-affected West Africa, starting in the rural regions of Guinea…

  • Utilitarianism in the Ebola Controversy of 2014

    Table of Contents Bentham’s and Mill’s Moral System Ebola Evacuees in the United States Utilitarian Interpretation of the Case Evaluation Conclusion References The greatest thinkers have made numerous attempts to give comprehensive definitions to the terms “good” and “bad.” In their works on moral principles and the essence of proper actions, John Mill and Jeremy…

  • Ebola Virus Infection: General Overview, Statistics, Diagnosis, and Treatment

    Introduction Origin and the discovery of the disease The Ebola disease is a fatal infection that affects human beings and other primates. It is believed that the Ebola virus got its name from where it was first discovered. The virus causing the fever was first reported along the Ebola River Valley in Zaire, Africa. In…

  • Ebola Campaign Implementation in Sierra Leone

    The health belief model (HBM) would outline the main framework for implementing the public health campaign. It posits that most people would adopt health-promoting behaviors if they perceive the cost of noncompliance to be higher than the cost of compliance (Westmaas, Gil-Rivas, & Silver, 2014). If we extrapolate this concept to the Sierra Leone context,…

  • The Occurrence of Ebola Virus

    Table of Contents Introduction Threat Assessment of Ebola and Impact of the Illness The threat level in the United States Medical Treatment Methods Public Health Preventive Measures References Introduction Ebola is a viral disease that was first detected in 1976 in Central Africa. The disease is normally associated with high fever an hemorrhage. The disease…

  • Epidemiology of Ebola and Marburg Viruses

    Abstract Background: Ebola and Marburg viruses are deadly Filoviruses that are significantly infectious. The viruses have not been given the necessary attention, posing a significant challenge to the public. They cause massive deaths when an outbreak occurs, hence the need for general knowledge regarding the virus to enable the public members to have the necessary…