Category: Drug Testing

  • Drug Testing to Break The Cycle of Drug-Use

    Raise your hand if you currently have a job? Well, all of you who have raised your hand will eventually pay tax at some point in your lives, some of you may already pay it. The tax you pay may go to new roads, it may go to Medicare or it may even pay for…

  • Discussion of History of UK Drug Policy

    The drug policy in the UK has generated concern into the effectiveness of its legislation. One main characteristic of such debates is the paradox between whether the drug ‘problem’ should be a punitive and legal issue or a health issue. According to Holloway (cited in Barton, 2011), there are three distinct models of regulation around…

  • Importance of Drug Testing in School: Argumentative Essay

    The recreational use of drugs is an under-recognized cause of mortality and incidence of disease among children in this society now. This issue becomes more priority to solve by the government because will lead to serious public health problems. However, children now still want to try drugs at any time without parental control although parents,…

  • Essay on Missouri Drug Testing Welfare

    Introduction: The implementation of drug testing for welfare recipients has been a contentious issue in many states, including Missouri. Proponents argue that it ensures taxpayer dollars are not used to support drug addiction, while opponents contend that it is ineffective, costly, and stigmatizing. This critical essay will examine the Missouri drug testing welfare policy, discussing…

  • Analysis of Toxicology Screening in The Corporate World

    In today’s world, drug testing in the workplace is a very controversial topic amongst workers and employers. Employers want to have reliable and safe workers, and the employees want to have their privacy and be given trust that they believe to be an essential part of the employer/employee relationship.However, with the economic downfall people will…

  • Drug Testing as Therapies

    Drugs screening is a medium of recovery used to introduce into a mechanism that needs time and a lot of verification regarding the area of treatment by utilizing the result of the test. It is used to gain rejection, encouragement, and real substance use behaviours of the drug discoveries (Jarvis et al, 2017). Other than…

  • Reasons Why Athletes Should be the Only Ones Tested for Drugs

    When a group of people get in trouble, do you punish just one person or the whole group? That is the problem with drug testing athletes; although the use of drugs can influence competitive sports, other important people such as singers, public figures, and influencers all do not have to take mandatory drug tests while…