Category: Driving

  • Drunk Driving Problem: Facts and Statistics

    Abstract The given paper revolves around the nagging problem of the alcohol abuse and drunk driving. The paper consists of eight parts which help to present the information in the logic and clear way. The introduction provides the information needed for the better understanding of the main topic of the given project. It also presents…

  • Accidents and Driving in the UK

    The detailed statistic of accidents in UK demonstrates the type of vehicles involved, the casualties, and circumstances; it indicates a high level of the personal injury accidents. The risk graph presented in British Standard (2010 pp. 33-34) indicates the necessity of the risk reduction due to the high level of fatality/injuries represented by a letter…

  • Driving Innovation: Exploring Electronic Throttle Control Systems

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) is a system that differs from a traditional mechanical throttle control system in that it operates electronically. In a traditional mechanical system, the gas pedal is pressed with the foot, which is connected to a mechanical device that moves the throttle. In…

  • The Technology of Self-Driving Cars

    Nowadays, autonomous vehicles no longer seem unusual, and their introduction for widespread use is not that far off. Nevertheless, cars operating at higher levels of autonomy require certain infrastructure, and their successful operation depends on a variety of factors, including climate and road traffic. A number of technologies that autonomous cars rely upon have been…

  • Drunk Driving Statistics and Countermeasures

    Table of Contents Introduction What Is Meant by Drunk Driving Drunk Driving Statistics Curbing Drunk Driving Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Although issues such as overspeeding or driving while texting form part of the major causes of road accidents, this paper reveals drunk driving as another key factor responsible for deaths reported on many roads not…

  • The Dangers of Speeding While Driving

    Outline High speed driving is a dangerous but very common practice and has been blamed for most motor accidents happening in modern day society. Motor accidents lead to fatal injuries that may result in permanent disability and also cause very many premature deaths as well as damage to the vehicles. In terms of monetary costs,…

  • Machine Learning in Tesla Self-Driving Cars

    Table of Contents Introduction Tesla Self-driving Cars Trials and Tribulations The Success The Future of Tesla Self-driving Cars Conclusion References Introduction In modern society, significant attention has been paid to artificial intelligence and machine learning. Machine learning is the science of developing algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform tasks without explicit…

  • Drunks Driving Websites and Their Punishments

    Table of Contents Introduction Teens Against Drunk Driving The International Drunk Driving Prevention Association My Punishment for Drunk Driving Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The website “Mothers Against Drunk Driving” takes a clear stance against drunk driving and the punishments that should be in place for those who are caught. This is because they believe drunk…

  • Driver’s Today Have Dangerous Driving Habits

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Have you ever stopped to observe the driving habits of the other people behind the wheel these days? If you have then you must have noticed that driving is no longer the sole activity that the person in charge of the wheel is busy dealing…

  • Driving in Winter vs. Summer: What’s the Difference?

    Although driving seems like a mundane task, it can be extremely challenging and dangerous. Different weather, traffic, and road conditions, as well as vehicle condition, can have a significant impact on one’s driving. Driving during the summer months differs considerably from driving in winter, when roads may be covered in several inches of snow. Snow…