Category: Documentary

  • Nothing But the Truth Essay

    In the documentary novel by Avi, “Nothing But the Truth,” the outcome can be blamed on multiple people, depending on which side you take in the story. Philip is mostly to blame for the outcome, having started the whole story by breaking a known rule, telling a one-sided story, and by disrespecting Miss Narwin and…

  • Critical Reflective Essay on Documentaries: White Like Me, The Whistleblower, The Corporation

    The documentary film, “White Like Me”, created by Tim Wise, provides a clear picture of what it’s like to be a “white” person in America. Wise brings to the screen his investigative racism and prejudices through the eyes of whiteness and white advantage. The narrative’s point of view is to understand the obviously calculated thought…

  • “I Am not Your Negro” Versus “Chisholm ‘72”: Comparative Analysis of Documentaries

    1. Compare and contrast, evaluate and critique, the use and effect of archival footage in the nonfiction films we have studied across weeks 9-14. “I am not your Negro” vs. “Chisholm ‘72” Beyond the presentation of archival documentaries, it has fallen into two unfortunate groups. There’s the conventional variety of “archival doc” that consists of…

  • Analysis of the Documentary Film ‘Waltz with Bashir’

    Documentary films are about documenting real life and not creating life like the purpose of animation, ‘Waltz with Bashir’ (by Ari Folman), maintained simple story to get the message across, the filmmaker as the main character take us through the film and build up the story from not knowing what they are talking about to…

  • The Moral Capacity Of Humanitarian And Documentary Photography

    What can the photograph do? It can create a freeze frame in time, but can it be more than a memory? Photography wasn’t originally used to ‘alleviate human suffering’5, but that is often the intention of those who photograph in an activist nature. The photograph can speak provide more truth than words or a painting…

  • The History Of Documentary Theories

    In this essay, I will be discussing and researching the history of documentary and the theories that I will include the like Bruzzi, Bill Nichols, Patricia White and so forth as they referred to Gaea Girls and Grey Gardens which are the two documentaries that I will emphasize my argument which is there are relationships…

  • What Is Documentary?

    Documentary photography is a style of photography that is about capturing the decisive moment, some people treat it as a synonym for photojournalism. It gives us a clear and precise portrayal of individuals, events, and items, and is regularly utilised in real life reportage „Documentary relies on the construction of an image in the representation…

  • Essay on ‘The Social Dilemma’: Critical Analysis

    The modernization of our lives has a huge impact on one us, especially in the field of technology ushering in the computer age. It would be nice for everyone to work together, but this is not possible because conflicts of interest between people impede joint action. There are lots of name persons interviewed in the…

  • The Social Dilemma’: Summary Essay

    Thanks in large part to Netflix’s new documentary, people are beginning to recognize the dangers of modern social networking sites. The film includes interviews with sort of particular employees, executives, and other professionals from the sort basically top tech companies and sort of kind of social media platforms like Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Mozilla in…

  • Analysis of the Documentary ‘The Cove’

    From training dolphins for the famous American TV series ‘Flipper’, to now being an activist for these mammals, Ric O’Barry has been playing a major role in trying to uncover a dirty secret that is performed by the Japanese fishermen. ‘The Cove’, an Oscar-winning documentary, directed by Louie Psihoyos shows the motives and passion that…