Category: Doctor Faustus

  • Doctor Faustus As A Renaissance Play

    Renaissance, which literally implies revival or reawakening, is the title of a Europe-wide motion that has shut down medieval trame and conferences and liberated everyone in existence and culture. The change from celestial to human existence took place. The Renaissance person on which he assessed and gaged everything, richness, understanding and strength of understanding were…

  • Essay on Hamartia in ‘Oedipus the King’ and ‘Doctor Faustus’

    Abstract Oedipus Rex and Faustus are two very different characters with tragic yet, similar fates that they reach to, in different ways and actions. Oedipus’s character goes through numerous trials of fate and tries his best to overcome the fate written for him. Faustus, on the other hand, pulls the story’s plot towards him and…

  • The Struggle Of Influence And Conscience In Doctor Faustus And Dorian Gray

    The Elizabethan and Victorian eras marked a plethora of changes throughout England, both stabilizing the previously turbulent political field, and initiating periods of prosperity. That shift allowed for new artistic endeavors and cultural refinement and posed questions regarding the established values and conventions in society. Particularly, the Elizabethan era, or, as it has been dubbed,…

  • The Struggle Of Influence And Conscience In Doctor Faustus And Dorian Gray

    The Elizabethan and Victorian eras marked a plethora of changes throughout England, both stabilizing the previously turbulent political field, and initiating periods of prosperity. That shift allowed for new artistic endeavors and cultural refinement and posed questions regarding the established values and conventions in society. Particularly, the Elizabethan era, or, as it has been dubbed,…

  • Doctor Faustus and The Picture of Dorian Gray: Comparative Essay

    In both Doctor Faustus, first performed in 1562, and The Picture of Dorian Gray, published in 1890, there is an exploration of demonic powers, and the influence they have over the respective protagonists. Both texts utilise the religious chaos regarding Christianity in the time period of its conception and the sensuality of temptation to depict…