Category: Doctor

  • Choosing Doctor Profession As A Career Path

    When people ask “What do you want to go to school for?” and you say to become a doctor, they automatically think, oh you are going to be going to school for a long time, do you think you can do it? Well, of course, I think I can if that’s what I want to…

  • The Reasons To Become A Doctor

    Introduction To me, a medical practitioner’s occupation is one of the noblest things a person can do. When asked why do I want to become a doctor, I always answer with my interest in Biology, but I often struggle to elaborate further. However, I am confident that I can overcome all sorts of obstacles from…

  • The Iliad Essay: Research of Medicines and Doctors during the Trojan War

    The project I chose was the science/ medicine project. I decided to do this project was because the thought of how medicines and doctors helped cure people has always amazed me, and during my research, I found out that a lot of the home remedies we use today are actually from the Trojan War. For…

  • The Issue Of Doctor Shaming

    Doctor shaming is the act of humiliating someone in medical profession specifically the physicians. The shame evidently comes from initiating negative feedbacks towards the doctors. It can be done face to face interaction, and even through text based. Nowadays, hence, technology is very advanced, people prefer to use social medias or websites wherein there are…

  • Doctor Essay

    Introduction The healthcare system in the United States is a broad and complex topic with many facets to consider, one of the most significant being the doctor’s role. The physician’s responsibilities and impact extend far beyond the basic concept of diagnosing and treating illnesses. Doctors are educators, advocates, and sometimes even social workers. They are…

  • Islamic Perspective Of A Doctor

    A healthy and fit well-being is a gift from Allah form His creations. A healthy body and mind help us a lot to perform duties in our daily life especially ibadah. We as a Muslim know the important of taking care of our body because we do not own our bodies, Allah is the one…

  • Medicine: My Experience In Developing The Qualities Needed To Be A Successful Doctor

    Studying religious studies at GCSE level introduced the concepts of medical ethics. This and my passion for structure and function of the human body allowed my interest in medicine to flourish leading me to undertake valuable work experience and activities in order to develop the qualities needed to be a successful doctor. The problem-solving nature…

  • Hospital Patient Resilience Essay

    Introduction: A career in medicine asks a lot of any person; individuals must be well-rounded and academically capable with a clear work-life balance. From day one of medical school, I believe culturing resilience and reflection is vital. The NHS (no date, para. 1) defines resilience as ‘our bounce-back ability in the face of difficulty or…

  • The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Doctors’ Performance

    There has been an increasing interest in the impact of sleep deprivation (SD) on doctors performance. Sleep deprivation can result in cognitive impairment and may also impair performance in tasks that require vigilance, decision making, and memory planning, which are commonly required in shift work (e.g., doctors and health care workers). Two articles deal with…

  • Substance Abuse among Healthcare Professionals: Essay

    Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals are the providers of our communities. They use their knowledge, skills, and technology to heal our wounded and treat our ill. Even with so much education and experience gained from their hard work, there is still the problem of some of these professionals succumbing to alcohol and/or drug dependency.…