Category: Diplomacy

  • Henry VIII and the Renaissance Diplomacy

    The event in question happened in England, precisely, in one of the palaces of Henry VIII. The communication involved two diplomats: Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve, who was the bishop of Lavaur. They were sent by the King of France, Francis I, to the King of England, Henry VIII (Kurbalija). The latter was…

  • Korean Wave Program Activity and Analysis

    Table of Contents Scenario Program Activity Analysis Learning Point References The aim of the Korean Wave is the popularization of the Korean culture, its expansion to the strategically important regions, and the establishment of the strengthened cultural relationships among the nations to have an indirect influence on the political decisions of the governments of these…

  • Ping-Pong Diplomacy in Sino-American Relations

    Table of Contents Introduction A Brief Description of Sports Diplomacy Aim of the Cultural Diplomacy Project: Ping-Pong Scenario: The Context of Ping-Pong Diplomacy Program Activity Analysis of Ping-Pong Diplomacy References Introduction As Avery Brundage, one of the former presidents of the International Olympics Committee (IOC), once stated, “sports is completely free of politics” (Goldberg, 2000,…

  • Fletcher’s “Naked Diplomacy” in the UAE’s Realm

    Table of Contents Introduction Diplomacy and the Digital Revolution Conclusion Work Cited Introduction There is no doubt that structuring proper relationships with foreign countries remains an extremely important task for every country, and the United Arab Emirates is not the exception to this rule. Speaking about the modern world, it is necessary to say that…

  • Historical Memory Discourse in Public Diplomacy

    Table of Contents The Relationship Between History, Identity and Memory Memory Discourses Advanced in Public Diplomacy Setting Conclusion Works Cited Historical memory refers to the way a group of people or a nation relates to a past event. The past plays a critical role in shaping the present and fostering a sense of belonging; as…

  • French Diplomatic System

    Introduction Since the medieval times, the French diplomatic system has characterized the conduction of international relations among states. Indeed, the French system is credited with the attributes of modern diplomatic relations. The French system has its roots from Italy and has over the years emerged as a best practice due to its revolutionary transformation resulting…

  • History of Renaissance Diplomacy

    The Renaissance Period The Middle Ages followed the Renaissance, a time in European history. It brought a renewed interest in Classical study to Italy in the late 13th and early 16th centuries and then to much of Western and Central Europe. Where Did Renaissance Diplomacy Develop? We have so far outlined a more comprehensive picture…

  • Termination of Diplomatic Functions: Persona Non Grata – Legal Basis and Political Implications

    A diplomatic agent is a representative of a country designed to function as an intermediary between the host countries and the native country. Oxford law dictionary defines diplomatic agents as state officials entrusted to represent their states and the interest of all subjects in the jurisdiction of their host states. Typically, the concept of diplomacy…

  • Ping-Pong Diplomacy in Sino-American Relations

    Table of Contents Introduction A Brief Description of Sports Diplomacy Aim of the Cultural Diplomacy Project: Ping-Pong Scenario: The Context of Ping-Pong Diplomacy Program Activity Analysis of Ping-Pong Diplomacy References Introduction As Avery Brundage, one of the former presidents of the International Olympics Committee (IOC), once stated, “sports is completely free of politics” (Goldberg, 2000,…

  • Fletcher’s “Naked Diplomacy” in the UAE’s Realm

    Table of Contents Introduction Diplomacy and the Digital Revolution Conclusion Work Cited Introduction There is no doubt that structuring proper relationships with foreign countries remains an extremely important task for every country, and the United Arab Emirates is not the exception to this rule. Speaking about the modern world, it is necessary to say that…