Category: Design 480

  • The Problem of Residential Environment in America

    The issue of housing is important for every human being. People tend to critically evaluate the environment they live in. It usually begins with discussing the ecological situation till the details of interior accessories. The main aim for this urge is to maintain more or less comfortable conditions for living including all that concerns home.…

  • Animation Art from Pencil to Pixels

    Table of Contents Introduction Pixar – My First Animation Evergreen – Beautiful music video 20th-century fox 1978 The Cheese Trap Conclusion Introduction Animation is the art of displaying a rapid sequence of motion in an art form where the path is generated, and images are created in either 2D or 3D, to different positions which…

  • Responsive Skins and Surfaces in Design

    Introduction A specialized interior designer is someone who is qualified through education and experience in this particular field. Part of his education includes learning and knowing the basic principles which include: light and colour, surface and textures, furniture and accessories. Light and colours are one of the major elements to liven up a room (design).…

  • Senior Assisted Living High Rise Complex in Hong Kong Area: Proposal for Design Investigation

    Architectural Issue(s) To Be Addressed List architectural issues, themes, theories, questions, and hypotheses; state how your work responds to the present cultural conditions, and how it will serve to enhance the human condition. In Hong Kong, there are a number of problems for architects, including a severe lack of space, a need to conserve energy…

  • Urban Development in Bangkok, Thailand

    Table of Contents Introduction Urban Development in Bangkok: Housing Estates The Impact of the City’s Developments Conclusion References Introduction The city of Bangkok is the largest city in Thailand and is also the primary city in that country. It was made the capital city during the year 1768 after the reign of Ayutthaya was overthrown.…

  • Services Scape Design: The Expanded Container

    Introduction An exquisite collaboration of art and design is to come to play as we try and describe the expanded container and its content. The container in question is an 8m by 4m by 2.5m custom made a container that just by the push of a button will open up from the inside of its…

  • “When Did Skivvies Get Rated NC-17?” by Guy Trebay

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Modern world of advertising sees no limitations in attracting clients, which, of course, results in higher profits. Each company is aimed at getting more money for the products it manufactures and advertising is a powerful tool to achieve the desirable. Advertising is especially important for…

  • Standards of Beauty or Eyes of the Beholder?

    Beauty! Beauty! Beauty! Where can it be placed? Different definitions have been projected but the truth is every individual has his or her own way of defining beauty. The concern is, are there set standards of beauty or does it lie in the eyes of the beholder? The definition of beauty in most cases reflects…

  • New York Subway Design Observation

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Bench Bar Advertising Works cited Introduction In our everyday life we come across various designs. Human centered design is a continuous act of communication. In the case of a successful design, the communication takes place not just between the designer and the user, but also with the user and the…

  • Baseball Stadiums’ Impact on Game Attendance

    The study conducted by Roy (2008) was based on the previous literature claiming that over one hundred new minor league baseball stadiums had been established in a span of 10 years since 1990 but their economic relevance was unyielding in the long run. Moreover, it was evident that many researches had been conducted to address…