Category: Desert

  • Sahara Desert Essay

    The Sahara Desert is the worlds largest desert area. The word Sahara comes from the Arabic word sahra, meaning desert. It extends from the Africas Atlantic Ocean side to the Red Sea and consists of the countries of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Sudan. It is about 5,200 miles long.…

  • Food Choices in Food Deserts: Sociological Analysis

    The selected research is focused on the investigation of factors impacting healthy dietary habits and the availability of healthy food for individuals, with the authors conducting the study revealing that limited financial resources remain the central problem associated with so-called food deserts. Considering the outstanding importance of fresh products and their affordability to people, it…

  • Honor de Balzac’s “A Passion in the Desert”

    Art is an essential part of human life. Literature is a part of art. Literature entertains people, gives them some information, or offers them some ideas to think over. Literature is very important for modern people, it ennobles, especially classic literature. It is impossible to imagine present life without literature. Some people understand this world…

  • Religion in Ceremony, Death Comes for the Archbishop, and Desert Solitaire

    Literature is one of the ways to express thoughts related to a particular issue or discuss people’s perspectives on it. Throughout all history of humanity, individuals have been trying to express their emotions and feelings by using the power of the word. Written texts, as the first potent tool to familiarize nations with various concepts,…

  • Loneliness and Emptiness in “Desert Places” Poem by Robert Frost

    The poem “Desert Places” by Robert Frost depicts the speaker’s lonely mind in a deserted place, resonating with the current times; the inevitable return of depression and universal human loneliness. The poet uses simple vocabulary, “the loneliness includes me unawares,” which underestimates the actual extreme loneliness of human beings (line 8). Frost explores loneliness, emptiness,…

  • Similarities Between Deserts and Rainforests

    What Do Deserts And Rainforests Have In Common? Although rainforests and deserts are very different they do have something in common. They both have mountains and steep canyons. Food webs usually have 5 levels of animals and plants. First the producers are the bottom of the web for example the sun produces light for the…

  • Desert as the Driest Biome on the Earth

    A biome mainly referred to an ecosystem where places share similar climates. It comprises all plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as the physical environment in a specific area. A biome is distinguished by its atmosphere, and area. Biome mainly consists of tundra, forest, desert, grassland, and aquatic. A desert is one of the…

  • Effects of the Namib Desert on Namibia

    According to researchers, Namibia ranks highest as the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa. Also, it has surface water for limited periods within a year, thus in terms of rainfall capacity, Namibia receives an average of 270 mm of rain annually. The country is divided into regions, the eastern region, and the western region. The eastern…

  • Food Desert Essay

    Food deserts are defined as areas of relatively poor access to healthy and affordable food. This phenomenon is thought to be a factor in the different dietary health outcomes, like heart disease and obesity, which exist between socioeconomic classes. Even though food deserts can refer to the literal dearth of food, most studies consider “differential…

  • Deserts of the United States: Reproductive Ecology

    Deserts make up close to a fifth of the earth’s surface, and they occur in areas where the annual rainfall is below 50cm. Most of these deserts, such as the Sahara of North Africa, occur at low altitudes though others occur at relatively lower latitudes and are referred to as cold deserts. However, such deserts…