Category: Deontology

  • Virtues, Utilitarianism, and Deontological Ethics

    Introduction Throughout the history of humanity, a variety of concepts explaining ethics and morality existed. Among some of the most significant of these concepts are virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. In the following paper, different outlooks on ethics and morality will be examined on the basis of the three above-mentioned ethical theories. Generally, evaluating…

  • Deontology vs. Consequentialism

    Table of Contents Introduction Deontology Consequentialism Comparison My Choice Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Different philosophical theories approach questions of morality and mortality from different angles: some evaluate the individual, while others put public goods first. Deontology and consequentialism are in constant confrontation and assess action’s benefits and rationality from different angles. According to deontology, the…

  • Kant’s Deontological Ethical Theory

    Table of Contents Introduction Lead Pollution Deontological Theory Application of Theory Analysis Penultimate Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Ethical theories have enabled human beings to assess whethethe r their actions and consequences of their actions are ethical or unethical. Human beings can assess their athe ctions basing on deontological theories and consequences of their actions basing…

  • Human Trafficking from Perspectives of Deontology, Utilitarianism and Egoism

    Contents Introduction Utilitarianism Theory on Human Trafficking Deontological Theory on Human Trafficking The perspective of Ethical Egoism Conclusion References Introduction Human trafficking is a modern practice of oppression characterised by heinous acts such as recruiting, transferring, and harbouring a person using coercion, kidnapping, and trickery, among other intimidating means. This practice has grown into an…

  • Telling the Truth: Consequentialism vs. Deontology

    Introduction There are numerous different moral dilemmas people encounter over the course of their lives. Humans are social animals, which means that it is crucial for them to navigate a complex world of relationships in order to function efficiently in modern society. This often implies situations in which one must decide whether, to tell the…

  • Virtue, Utilitarianism, and Deontology

    A set of guiding principles – morality – focuses on the core of what allows people to live in unified communities. In addition, morality sets what society considers acceptable and right. However, it is not a universally established principle. What one might think is acceptable in their culture could be prohibited in another’s. Geographical locations,…

  • Kant’s Deontological Ethical Theory and Policing Ethical Practices

    The police system is a universal hierarchy that has the purpose to control the criminal world and ensure the citizens’ safety. Most police officers, when starting the education, decide to devote their lives to serving people within the framework of ethical values, norms, and principles. Notably, Immanuel Kant’s deontological ethical theory can be effectively applied…

  • Ethical Theories: Virtue Ethics, Deontology and Consequentialism

    Ethical theories give guidance on decision-making, especially when a person has to consider ethics in their actions and reasoning. There are three ethical theories; virtue ethics, deontology, and consequentialism. Virtue ethics is a philosophical approach to ethics that is primarily concerned with the person’s character rather than duties as the key element for attaining an…

  • Teleological and Deontological Ethical Models

    For centuries modern philosophy has been discussing the possibility of applying two models or approaches to the problem of ethics. The principles by which a person functions and makes decisions are often at the center of philosophical works. Ethical philosophy tries to understand what should lie in the causality of a person’s actions and, at…

  • Deontological Ethics and Principles for Parenting

    Deontology is an ethical science based on the teaching of moral issues. The focus of deontological ethics is on duties and obligations to be followed. At the heart of ethical teaching is the elevation of moral responsibility for the good, so deontology also becomes a way of justifying happiness as a consequence of duty (Hole,…