Category: Dementia

  • Healthcare Program: Informational Campaign on Dementia

    Table of Contents Program Overview Target Population Role of Nurses in Project Design Advocate Role Role of Nurses in Project Implementation Implementation Team Conclusion References The role of nurses shall not be underestimated when it comes to designing and implementing healthcare programs aimed to improve the well-being of the general population. Nurses provide multiple care…

  • Health and Social Care for Older People Suffer From Dementia in the UK

    Table of Contents Introduction Background and Rationale for the Study Aims and Objectives of the Study Literature Search Strategy Ethics and Anti-Oppressive Practice Considerations Reference List Introduction The demand for health and social care for older people (85 years and above) who suffer from dementia continues to rise in the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, the government…

  • Dementia – The Disease of the Older Generation

    Introduction Dementia was an illness which consisted of a group of symptoms characterized by reduction in memory, impairment in the reasoning skills and slow decline of skills required for daily living. Changes in the brain, both structural and biochemical, caused these illnesses. The condition was defined as “a syndrome due to disease of the brain,…

  • Client-Oriented Approach in Dementia Diagnosis

    Table of Contents Client’s Demographic Background Recommendations and Interventions Strengths Barriers Cultural Recommendations Conclusion References The memory issues are common among the aging population. Many of those who experience problems with memory and thinking address the health and social care services for help. However, it is observed that often patients fail to receive the timely…

  • Dementia: Treatment and Management

    Controlling dementia is done with the main aim of reducing the suffering that results from cognitive symptoms while also minimizing the rate of cognitive decline. Management of dementia can be carried out using non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments to enhance a patient’s quality of life. Some of the non-pharmacological approaches applied in the management of dementia…

  • Mindfulness Interventions for Dementia Patients

    Since the prevalence of dementia tends to increase globally, it is critical to understand its cognitive issues and related evidence-based interventions. The cognitive changes caused by dementia include disorientation, short-term memory loss, and personal care challenges. To cope with these ambiguous losses, people with dementia can be offered mindfulness training that aims at strengthening a…

  • Care Services for Elderly People with Dementia in China

    Introduction In China, the prevalence of health issues that relate to aging, as well as the longevity of the Chinese people, increases from time to time. According to research estimates, the proportion of the country’s population that comprises persons with 65 years or above is likely to increase by more than twice the current standings…

  • Hospital Staff-Dementia Patients Interactions

    The First Point of View Suggested Type of Communication Technique The problem is that some healthcare providers do not use effective approaches to communicate with patients who have dementia. In their article, Weitzel et al. (2011) propose to improve the communication with these patients with the help of such techniques as asking permissions, approaching patients…

  • Dementia: Dangers and Complications

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary of the Problem Reflection on the Major Points Conclusion References Introduction As the world’s population grows, the number of people in late adulthood inevitably increases. Moreover, their percentage of the whole of humanity is increasing as the quality of life and medicine improves. However, several life-complicating illnesses prevent seniors from…

  • Diagnosis and Management of Dementia

    Table of Contents Dementia Psychological Effects Diagnosis Treatment Conclusion Works Cited The world’s population is aging, and advances in modern health care have meant that people are living longer. However, at the same time, the number of people suffering from non-communicable diseases is increasing. One of the essential tasks of today’s health care system is…