Category: Death

  • The Justness of Socrates’s Decision to Accept the Death Penalty

    Table of Contents Introduction Distinguishing Between the Concepts of Validity and Soundness Evaluating Socrates’s Decision Counterargument Personal Opinion Conclusion References Introduction It is hard to disagree that not many people are ready to die to prove their point of view and stay moral until the end. Socrates was sentenced to death for instilling ‘wrong’ political…

  • When the Death of a Star Becomes a Black Hole

    Black holes are among the most exciting phenomena in the universe. They are thick and have a powerful gravitational pull that not even light can flee their clutches (Tillman et al., 2022). Wise et al. (2019) acknowledge that the formation of supermassive black holes in the centers of giant galaxies is yet unknown. Direct-collapse black…

  • Death Before and After Urbanization

    The theme of death is among the most popular topics in modern culture, and it resonates with many people. The fear of dying is sitting deeply in the minds of individuals in western civilizations, but there are substantial cross-cultural differences that can be found in the way people from different parts of the world think…

  • Near-Death Experiences and Life Understanding

    Death is a resonating topic in modern culture and the main source of people’s fears. Humans have been reflecting on mortality for millennia, and this practice plays a big role in religion. Studies of near-death experience contribute to the discussion, by taking a look at individuals who were at some point close to dying, which…

  • Funeral Ceremony: The Song of Death, the Hymn of Life

    At present, the world is confronted with an unprecedented situation due to the global spread of COVID-19. People are forced to face death, being affected by the demise of their loved ones, watching helplessly the course of their disease, or being infected themselves without knowing the possible outcome. It is a time of heightened anxiety…

  • Death and Dying in “What Really Matters…” by Miller

    Table of Contents The distinction between necessary and unnecessary suffering BJ Miller strongly advocates for palliative care. Indulge your senses Priorities change at the end of life Reference The YouTube video shows BJ Miller sharing deep insights on end-of-life care. BJ Miller provides an uncommon viewpoint borrowing from a traumatic near-death encounter that cost him…

  • Mental Disorders and Vulnerability to Homicidal Death

    Table of Contents Introduction Methodology Results Interpretation Reference list Introduction According to the World Health Organization (2014), there are approximately 800,000 deaths that occur annually due to suicide. Moreover, suicide has been reported to be one of the major causes of death among people aged 15 to 44 years and the second highest cause of…

  • Birds Starvation and Death in Alaska

    The article under consideration Thousands of Birds Found Dead along Alaskan Shoreline is written by Seth Kovar and Steve Almasy. It addresses the relevant issue, namely the death of the birds in Alaska because of starvation. However, it should be highlighted that the primary reason is somewhere deeper. The major purpose of the paper is…

  • Defending a Foreign Citizen Facing the Death Sentence in the United States

    Defending a foreign citizen facing the death sentence in the United States is a challenging task for any attorney. The obstacles for lawyers include the language barrier, cultural difference, lack of trust from a foreign national, and the necessity of traveling to conduct extensive life history investigation on a client (Kuykendall et al., 2008). Although…

  • The Black Death: Impact on European Society

    By the beginning of the epidemic of the Black Death in 1346, Europe was considered overpopulated, and the standard of living was rapidly falling. The inhabitants suffered from wars, famine, disease, and poverty. Poor sanitary conditions combined with the lack of space in houses led to the rise in illnesses. It is not surprising that…