Category: DACA

  • Why DACA Is An Important Immigration Law In The USA



    DACA is a federal government program that was created by Barack Obama in 2012. It stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which gives temporary protection to undocumented immigrants who were brought here illegally as children. Last year, The Trump administration announced that they planned on getting rid of the program. Since them, DACA has…

  • Undocumented Students Challenges In The United States: DACA As A Solution



    Many undocumented children feel caught between the generation, belonging to neither the immigrant nor the citizen. They have to deal with the fact that they are not given access to legal services. Undocumented students usually have no role in the decision to come to this country; they are usually brought to this country by their…

  • Why Americans Are Against DACA



    “We should welcome immigrants, and we should especially open our arms to the children who have grown up here, they are Americans in every sense of the word” (Stein, 2017). Recently American’s have had many different reviews on immigrants since the November elections in 2016, when our president Donald Trump was elected. Our president has…

  • Importance Of DREAM Act For DACA Recipients



    Can you think of a time where you worked hard for something and then suddenly it was ripped away from you. This is what DACA recipients worry about and constantly have on the back of their minds. Just a background, DACA stands for Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals and it is for individuals who came…

  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: Policy Analysis Paper



    The social condition that I chose to write my paper on is immigration, specifically Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA. DACA was created under President Obama, however the Trump administration has worked to modify it. Under the new administration new policies for DACA have been created. The current policy under the Trump Administration is…

  • DACA Essay



    Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has received a proliferated wave of attention in the recent past as an issue of controversial contention in the corridors of legislation and justice. The controversies surrounding this American immigration policy is as a result of the introduction of an American legislative proposal christened the Development, Relief, and Education…

  • The Importance Of Immigration Laws In The USA (DAXA, TPS And DED)



    I recall boarding an airplane when I was only four years of age in the year nineteen eighty-nine. I had little knowledge as to what was going on. As well as little to no knowledge of any other country other than Cuba. And now I was on my way to the United States through a…

  • DACA As One Of The Immigration Programs In The USA



    Immigration has been a highly debated topic throughout past centuries. Many, especially those with a political background, debate on whether or not immigration should be allowed in the United States. It is undecided whether or not illegal immigrants should be taken back to their homelands, or be allowed to remain in the country. Many policies…

  • Persuasive Essay about DACA Students



    Eight years ago, former president, Barack Obama, signed the executive order known as DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. It granted “protected status” to immigrants who had arrived in the United States before the age of sixteen, meaning, it allowed immigrants to remain in the U.S. While DACA did offer individuals the opportunity to work,…

  • An Analysis of DACA, Travel Bans, and Border Security



    An Analysis of DACA, Travel Bans, and Border Security The DACA Conundrum: A Battle for the Dreamers President Trump fights for the American people and their industries. This is also the reason why Trump is initiating and pushing these immigration laws. He wants to help protect the jobs of American citizens. In the article “Donald…