Category: Cyber Bullying

  • Cyber Bullying: Social Media Surveillance

    Cyber bullying is a kind of bullying that is done through many places through which you are connected to the social world. It is done by the means of SMS, Online app, and by social media. Cyber bully is done by sharing, posting false content about someone who they want to bully. It can also…

  • Types of Cyberbullying

    Harassment is the demonstration of sending hostile, discourteous, and offending messages and being abusive. Terrible or embarrassing remarks on posts, photographs, and in visit rooms also fall within the ambit of harassment. It implies being expressly hostile to gaming destinations. As for adults, the “Pew Research Center reported in 2014 that 40 percent of adult…

  • How To Prevent Social Media Bullying

    Social media bullying is a common and growing phenomenon. The actual incidence of cyberbullying is unknown as many cyberbullying victims do not appear for help. Cyberbullying is an act that threatens, embarrasses, or intimidates a person Cyberbullying is a very common and growing phenomenon. The actual incidence of cyberbullying is unknown as many cyberbullying victims…

  • What Are the Main Causes of Cyber Bullying: Analytical Essay

    Nowadays, the internet is an atypical access to user’s lives which creates new forms of infringement like cyberbullying which can be briefly defined as using the internet web to share a text or image of harmful content. As Jun (2020) pointed out that “Cyberbullying can be done anytime via email, mobile phone, or SNS(Social Network…

  • Proposal Essay on Preventing Cyber Bullying

    Introduction: On 3rd May 2017, a student who studies at TARUC committed suicide because of cyberbullying. Even though his friends were successful persuade him to give up suicidal thoughts temporarily but at last, he still decided to end his life. This news astonished everyone and started to notice the problem of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying means the…

  • Cyber Bullying in Modern Society: Cause and Effect Essay

    In a society that we live in today, cyberbullying is so prevalent. Based on the website, cyberbullying may be defined as the method where the bullies and the bullied make use of modern technologies. According to, cyberbullying may occur through SMS, apps, or social media platforms where people have the choice of viewing,…

  • Legal Issues Around Cyber Bullying

    Internet bullying, more commonly referred to as cyberbullying represents the use of the internet or mobile device to intimidate, harass, or inflict harm to others. Although bullying has been common in society, it has in recent times moved from learning institutions to social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, emails as well as mobile text messages.…

  • Exploring the Complex Landscape of Cyberbullying and Its Impact on Youth

    Exploring the Complex Landscape of Cyberbullying and Its Impact on Youth The Evolution of Bullying: Enter Cyberbullying Bullying has been around since the beginning of time. Even though times have changed, bullying is still around and has taken to a new form. That form has now evolved into the cyber world. Cyberbullying is different than…

  • Physical and Verbal Harassment: Cyber Bullying in Modern Schools

    Physical and Verbal Harassment: Cyber Bullying in Modern Schools The Changing Dynamics of School Environment In the last few years, the school has changed a lot regarding kids. Kids used to go to school with good self-esteem and good behavior. Nowadays, students are going to school scared, and a lot of them skip classes because…

  • The Detrimental Impact of Cell Phones on Education

    The Detrimental Impact of Cell Phones on Education Cell Phones: A Cheating Catalyst A student with a cell phone is an unenthusiastic student, one with a short ability to mentally focus on something that cares more about spending time with and talking with people than education. Cell phones can be a great useful thing/valuable supply…