Category: Curriculum

  • The US Common Core Curriculum

    Summary of the main points discussed in the article The author of this article looks at the debate surrounding the US common core curriculum about the common core curriculum standards. The author narrates the concerns raised about the pace at which the new common core curriculum is being implemented. The US intends to introduce a…

  • Singapore Math Curriculum: Correspondence with Standards

    Introduction Mathematics as the subject performs a number of significant functions in the life of any student. The way of how a curriculum is introduced and implemented by teachers influences considerably the work of a teacher him/herself and the possibilities of the learners to comprehend new information. This is why much attention is usually paid…

  • Behaviorism and Cognitivism in Nursing Curriculum

    The two learning theories that are of the most interest to me are behaviorism and cognitivism. These two theoretical frameworks for understanding the mind stand in opposition to each other in what value they attach to human thought process and cognitivism actually developed as a response to behaviorism. Behaviorism covers both human and animal behavior.…

  • The HASS Curriculum and the Integration of Diverse Perspectives

    Introduction The Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) encompass a broad range of aspects pertinent to social, civic, and citizenship education. In the latest iteration of the Australian Curriculum, HASS includes studies of History, Geography, Civics, and Citizenship, as well as Economics and Business, with the primary teaching document being called HASS F-6/7. The HASS F-6/7…

  • The Effectiveness of Competence-Based Curriculum on Primary School Students’ Achievement Level

    Literature Review Since 2000, many nations across the globe such as Canada, Finland, Netherlands, Germany, Kenya and Zambia have been adopting competence-based curriculums in their education systems. The curriculum is developed and implemented in line with a country’s competency framework that values the needs of learners and the local population for learning programmes (van Dinther,…

  • Curriculum Development in Higher Education

    Table of Contents Introduction Curriculum Development and Evaluation Curriculum Outcomes The Role of Educators Curriculum Change as a Response Conclusion References Introduction The rapid changes in society today are largely driven by the shift in resources. One of the aspects in which such changes can be reflected in education. Curriculum, as well as curriculum delivery,…

  • Hidden Curriculum in Online Classes

    The hidden curriculum may be defined as a variety of unwritten information and lessons for students. As contrasted with the usage of formal teaching methods, this information is frequently provided indirectly through policies, observations, behaviors, and attitudes. However, the hidden curriculum is regarded as the inevitable and highly essential feature of the students’ community and…

  • Narrow Conceptions of Curriculum in Saudi Arabia

    Introduction Generally, in curriculum studies, as in other educational contexts, researchers define curriculum as a document that describes the content of a subject area and, in varying degrees of detail, the teaching strategies to be used to facilitate student learning and performance in that area. This limited view of the curriculum is problematic because it…

  • Curriculum Development in Language Teaching

    Table of Contents Evaluation procedures Teacher Support Purpose of Evaluation Curriculum Ideologies Factors affecting successor a curriculum design Steps in Curriculum Development for English Language Course References Evaluation procedures In education, there are several methods of evaluating a learner. These methods are known as procedures. These procedures assume different approaches and have different objectives. One…

  • Nursing Course: Curriculum Design and Evaluation

    Background Every field requires specialization for efficiency. Any medical course such as nursing is no exception here. However, specialization also requires a course to be studied, which requires organized planning. The organized plan for the effective study is what is termed a curriculum. The curriculum provides the direction of how to undertake a certain academic…