Category: Curriculum

  • The Offer to Expand the Curriculum With New Topics

    The initiative to update the curriculum with specific topics related to credibility and bias in the news is relevant. Your proposal is relevant because false facts and difficulties with validity do appear. We appreciate your objective to promote literacy on this topic. At the same time, updating the curriculum is not an easy process. We…

  • Influence of Regulatory Agencies on Curriculum Development

    The national council of state boards of nursing is national organization whose membership includes boards of nursing in 50 U.S states and the recognized territories of United States of America. The US territories include American Samoa, Guam, Northern Marina Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. The state boards of nursing are state governmental agencies whose…

  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Website

    The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) is a non-profit organization that has 125,000 members from more than 128 countries. The site of the organization includes various sections devoted to different topics, including books and publications, educational leadership, and professional learning. It provides both free-of-charge content, for example, in the form of free articles…

  • Aspects of Curriculum Development in Nursing

    The individuals selected to form a review group should be specialists in the given learning domain. For example, a curriculum for a health specialty degree such as dentistry can only be created or reviewed by persons with a strong background in dentistry. Hence, specialty checks and further training in curriculum development are vital when convening…

  • ESL Students Curriculum and Assessment

    My curriculum is organized around an analytical skill. I organized my curriculum in a way that leads to instilling in my students’ analytical skills, this relied on none other element but grammar (Graves, 2000, p.135). In this curriculum, learners received suitable program support to allow them to participate productively in class. In order to provide…

  • Environmental Disaster Education: Incorporation Into the University Curriculum

    Table of Contents Information about the article Summary of the article Introduction Background information Aim of the course (part 3 of the article) Description of the course Evaluation Conclusion Reference Information about the article Generally, this paper is about the effects of environmental disaster especially to mankind. The aim of writing the article is to…

  • Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development

    Introduction It has been acknowledged that teaching careers are based on the principle of sharing knowledge and experiences. Educators are passing on certain knowledge and skills to younger generations. There are different ways to improve this process and a proper combination of curriculum, instruction and development can be crucial. Importantly, Tomlinson (2014) notes that the…

  • Curriculum Development for Employee Training

    Designing and developing a course-centered curriculum in the agency The course-centered curriculum requires the support of the professionals involved in requirement and training and experienced workers of each department that will participate in the course (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003). That way, the curriculum will be designed based on the subjects identified by the experienced workers…

  • General Education Curriculum for Children with Disabilities

    Table of Contents Introduction Issues addressed Is the article addressing a social problem? Solutions to the problem Conclusion Reference List Introduction The purpose of this paper is to give a summary on the article “Access, participation, and progress in the general education curriculum in the least Restrictive environment for students with significant cognitive disabilities” written…

  • Empathy as a Part of a High School Curriculum

    It is important to note that human beings and their behaviors are formed, developed, and influenced by their environment, which is not solely limited to social circles, but politics, culture, nation, and institutions as well. A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah, written in 2008, is an outstanding memoir that showcases how malleable children are…