Category: Curriculum

  • Curriculum Development for Higher Education

    Table of Contents Introduction Main text Conclusion Bibliography Introduction Curriculum designing is an integral part of any field of study. Maximum output can be expected if the module that is designed through collaborative work analyses key concepts of the curriculum with expert guidance, justifies the rationale for the choice of the curriculum design, critically estimating…

  • Literacy & Curriculum. Differentiated Instructions

    Differentiated instructions allow teachers to meet the needs and abilities of students and provide them with effective assignments according to their skills and mental abilities. In this case, learner systems and environmental systems interact dynamically to influence each other. In teaching intellectual skills, teachers need to develop a component that activates the skill in the…

  • Nursing Curriculum Development Project

    Cultural Competency Educational Setting and Topic Cultural competency ensures the best use of healthcare processes by selecting employees who are capable of providing the best healthcare services for their patient population pool. Its perspectives focus on nurses who have the capacities to deal with patients from various ethnic backgrounds. In most cases, the cultural competence…

  • Planning Curriculum: Literature Lesson Discussion

    The paper is dedicated to performing a discussion of a hypothetical lesson in literature from the side of a teacher. The main points provide a discussion of various ways as of techniques, structure, and approach appropriate for contemporary students. The idea of a general outlook on practical means to provide productive and effective classes is…

  • Contemporary Issues in School Curriculum

    Table of Contents Issues of Homosexuality and the School Curriculum Core Need of an “Adequate” Education System How Does Social Class Impact Student Learning References Issues of Homosexuality and the School Curriculum The United States has been struggling to implement the civil rights that were fought for and that addressed issues of discrimination for various…

  • Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing

    What Are Some of the Reasons for Using an Educational Framework and/or Philosophy to Guide Your Approach to Developing Curriculum? Philosophy is one of the components of the curriculum. It means that it is impossible to develop one without using philosophy. That said, there are several reasons for deploying it to guide the approach to…

  • Regulatory and Accrediting Influences on Curriculum

    Table of Contents Introduction Accreditation and regulatory agencies Influencing on the curriculum Conclusion Reference list Introduction The need for regulatory and accreditation in certain fields was occasioned by the desire to protect life and health by ensuring that required standards are upheld by all concerned stakeholders. About the dangers and harm, it becomes imperative to…

  • The Integration to Curriculum for Early Education: Anti-Bias Aspects

    Ideas to Incorporate into Anti-Bias Learning Process Nowadays, children are aware of diversity from a very early age, and educators have to consider it. A teacher who values diversity increases the remarkable impact on how children perceive the differences in people and society. Moreover, children reflect the attitudes of their families, and bring it to…

  • Associate Degree Concept-Based Nursing Curriculum

    The traditional approach to the nursing curriculum design in the healthcare field seems no longer able to enclose all the knowledge the students need to become professionals. In addition, the ever-changing pace of the modern healthcare environment, technological advances, and recent research results require profound skills in generalizing and critical thinking. Consequently, the traditional curricula…

  • Faculty Role in Curriculum Development: Tools for Nursing

    Introduction The curriculum defines what constitutes the graduates of a learning institution. It represents the diversity that makes up a school, college, institute, or university. Clearly elucidating the myriad pedagogical philosophies within the classroom and hands-on teaching, the curriculum helps in defining the strength, quality, and success of any learning or training institution. In order…