Category: Curriculum

  • Ecology Lesson: Curriculum Design and Concept Map

    Table of Contents Curriculum design Approaches to use in the collaborative teaching Subject approach and individual curriculum approach The use technology Concept map References Curriculum design The ecology unit is to be taught in collaborative settings emphasizing the following objectives. Understating of the terms related to ecology. The terms to be discussed include among others,…

  • Innovative Change in Nursing Curriculum

    Introduction Learning is a continuous process where students interact with new knowledge every day. Through this, they are able to develop skills that make them competent members of society. The nursing profession mainly focuses on offering patients healthcare services and quality care. While in training, healthcare professionals are educated on how to use practical communication…

  • ESL Curriculum Objectives and Assessment

    Table of Contents What Needs Are Being Met by School Curricula? What Hidden or Implicit Agendas Can Be Found In School Curricula? “The Comment” Reference List What Needs Are Being Met by School Curricula? The curriculum for English as a second language is important because in most cases the curriculum focuses on students from different…

  • Health and Physical Education Curriculum

    Learning Ambassadors in the sphere of health and professional education have enriched schools with their vast experience and contributed to the development of standardised physical education in a range of elementary schools. One of the examples became Sandusky city school in Ontario. The weakness of that was that it lacked a comprehensive program for physical…

  • Clinical Teaching: Concept-Based Curriculum and Exemplars

    Program Description Nursing students will complete a clinical rotation that will last for two weeks (two clinical days per week) during their campus residency. A registered and qualified nurse preceptor will supervise and assess the performance of the students based on pre-defined learning outcomes (LO) This program has been designed for eight nursing students. The…

  • K-12 Health & Physical Education Curriculum

    In order to select what types of programs are to be made constituents of a new K-12 health education curriculum, it is necessary to take into the account that all its apprentices must be provided with an opportunity to be healthy, fit, and willing to embrace new knowledge. Therefore, K-12 must address school student’s overall…

  • Thematic Curriculum: Social Studies

    Table of Contents Introduction Authentic Assessments Formative Assessment(s) Summative Assessment(s) Reference Introduction Grade Level: Grade 4 Theme: The Oregon Trail Student-Friendly Title for Theme: Brave People Who Used the Oregon Trail Rationale Statement: Students will learn about such peculiarities of the Oregon Trail as reasons for using it, people who used it, the travelers’ hardships,…

  • Curriculum Guide: Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Mathematics

    Subject: Reading Title of Strategy: Comprehension: A short poem. Goal or Objective: The achievement of understanding of the meaning of the selected poem and the mood of the lyric among students with intellectual disability (ID). Teacher Task Analysis To introduce the poem to the class, a teacher will briefly present some facts about the author,…

  • Curriculum Decision for 4th-Grade English Classes

    Introduction Adequate curriculum selection is an important task that ensures the positive outcomes of learner-centered education. The criteria for curriculum selection and elaboration are often obscure, causing confusion among school authorities. The present paper offers three central principles for curriculum selection for 4th grade English classes. The proposed criteria are based on Virginia English standards…

  • Curriculum and Standards Documents in Virginia

    Introduction Any curriculum is to adhere to appropriate standards published by authorities in the spheres. Sometimes, curricula are based on several standard documents published by national, state, or county agencies. The synthesis of two or more guidelines to academic program elaboration may improve educational outcomes if done efficiently. The effectiveness of such endeavor dependence on…