Category: Cultural Identity

  • Essay about Personal Culture

    The What? Today, on March 2nd, I learned about how mainstream Australian cultures make assumptions based on two pictures. One of the images was of a western classroom and the assumption that was common was there was no technology and a teacher talking to a whole class with a group-oriented way of learning another picture…

  • Multiculturalism Vs Assimilation In The USA

    From the beginning of America’s, freedom of expressing one’s lifestyle choices without prosecution has been the driving factor for colonization. These lifestyle choices include one’s expression and appreciation of their own culture. However, assimilation challenges these freedoms, preservation of family history, and goes againsts the very principles of what America is today. We can look…

  • Essay on Political Science: Multiculturalism Vs. Assimilation

    Immigration is a common occurrence in all countries across the world and it is the foundation of many countries, such as the United States. Without immigration, the world would seem stagnant and unable to understand other cultures in the correct fashion. How easy it is for an immigrant to join a community when they immigrate…

  • Invisible Man’ Comparison Essay

    The issue of race and identity can be found in African American communities for many years. Such texts as Jazz by Toni Morrison, The Invisible Man by and Zora’s Their Eyes were watching god discuss this theme. This theme covers the three narratives and it is clear in the character’s voices and actions. This issue…

  • Essay on Cultural identity: Its Significance to Counter Colonizing Mind in Modern Times

    Introduction Many people claim who they are but they are not in the way they act; behave and way of living speak and noticeably. There is a danger in this way of prevention, this will affect an individual’s way of thinking that is not really who he is but the reality is, he is borrowing,…

  • Argumentative Essay on the Essence of Cultural Identity

    Cultural identity is developed through many activities you love to do and grow to learn more about. For example, playing the piano is a way to form your cultural identity by expressing yourself, through the way, you play. Jing-mei formed her cultural identity following her mother’s idea because if it wasn’t for her mother she…

  • Reflective Essay on My Cultural Identity as Mexican-American

    I am a first-generation Mexican-American living in Los Angeles, California. I identify as being Mexican, an American, and being an Angeleno in other terms I identify as a Latinx Angeleno. Each piece of culture takes part in my cultural identity as a whole. As wonderful as that sounds it was not always easy. There are…

  • Frida Kahlo Cultural Identity Essay

    Art allows artists to express their cultural identity and heritage specifically with the use of cultural symbolism. Artists use cultural symbolism to draw on insights from past and existing experiences to express a greater meaning within their artwork. Mexican artist Frida Kahlo uses cultural markers from both Mexico and the United States to show her…

  • German And Indonesian Cultures: Comparing Working Styles

    Introduction Culture is a characteristic or identity of people who live in a certain area. It is arises from daily actions taken by the community to create habits and finally became the culture of the community. So, we can say culture affects people’s lives in socialization, consumption and modernization. Therefore, culture create characteristics of people.…

  • Themes Of Marriage, Communication And Cultural Identity In Interpreter Of Maladies

    Interpreter of Maladies is a short story written by Jhumpa Lahiri. The story evolves around a married Indian American couple visiting their country of heritage India alongside with their children. During their visit to India, a lot of things started to cue on such as marriage problems between the Das couple to shocking secrets revealed…