Category: Creativity

  • Critical Lens Essay Example

    “Creativity is presented in assigning to do a task; creativity must meet be of a quality of a kind and be unique in its ‘novelty’.” Creativity has many features and techniques. Such features could be deducted in a text, such as writing in metaphor techniques, wordplay or word punning, writing a comedy, satirical or sarcasm…

  • Creativity Versus Intelligence: Critical Analysis

    Since a long time, intelligence and creativity have been seen as two separate abilities and creativity has been an ignored subject in psychological research. But in life, creativity is been valued more than intelligence as it comprises individuals adapting to novel situations that would lead to either result in success or failure. According to Plato,…

  • How Has Creativity Helped You in Problem Solving: Essay

    Creative problem solving is an ability that can be acquired Abstract This paper discusses the meaning of creativity and creative problem solving as creative problem thinking is considered to be a vital asset for any person who is in a leadership role .and As creativity is increasingly being recognized as a key skill for successful…

  • Relations between Intelligence, Logic and Creativity: Analytical Essay

    Intelligence is a construct that encompasses many ways the mind processes and expands on information and stimuli. Intelligence utilises logic and creativity utilises change. Change can happen logically but that is not necessarily creativity as most logic can be replicated or has clear standing connections, but creativity is novel… sometimes utilising intelligence. Intelligence utilizing creativity…

  • Relationship between Intelligence and Creativity: Psychological Approach

    From an extended time, creativity has been a neglected subject in psychological research. This can be chiefly as a result of its invariably been widely believed that it has mystical influences or a divine nature. Plato said that the writer is barely able to produce what the Muse dictates and most frequently than not, even…

  • Argumentative Essay about the Importance of Being Creative for a Teacher

    Without creativity to boost our lives and capture our attention, life would be completely uneventful. In their article, authors Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman state, “All around us are matters of national and international importance that are crying out for creative solutions, from saving the Gulf of Mexico to bringing peace to Afghanistan to delivering…

  • Importance of Creativity and Innovation in Leadership: Analytical Essay

    This paper aims to explore the importance of leadership in the current innovative world, where many businesses are venturing into innovating new ways of doing business to grow. Creativity in any company does not occur by accident; leaders must drive the changes in structure, culture, and process to achieve growth. Therefore, creativity and innovation are…

  • Management of Creativity in Journalistic Work in Media Organization: Analytical Essay

    The articles examine concerned of management of creative journalistic work in a media organization. It is draws on the literature and research about creativity management, the author emphasizes that there is scarcity of in-depth research evidence on process of creativity management. The article is based with empirical research with a case study that investigate and…

  • Issues of Creativity Enhancement: Critical Analysis

    To initiate any scientific investigation, a researcher needs to collect factual information. Based on that factual knowledge; the researcher can understand where there is a gap in knowledge. This process gives birth to the problem, which needs to be solved. A problem is engendered on the ground of the existing gap in knowledge about the…

  • Importance of Creativity in Education Essay

    Introduction The purpose of this essay is to critically analyze the pedagogical perspectives on play and creativity, by exploring the role of the adult in these areas. Initially, I will explore my own pedagogy by discussing now the influences of my personal and professional experiences have impacted this, whilst taking into consideration the values, attitudes,…