Category: Corruption

  • Quiet Corruption’ Impedes African Development

    The article “Quiet Corruption’ Impedes African Development, World Bank Report Says” (McGregor & Nasreen, 2010) was published in the April edition of Business Week. This is an article that was initially published by the World Bank and argues that ‘quiet corruption’ is a major hindrance to the development of Africa as a continent. African newspaper…

  • The Impact of Corruption on International Trade

    Introduction International trade stimulates the development of the world economy. It also contributes to expanding global employment, providing countries with a greater variety of goods, and raising living standards. The challenge that international trade poses are the inability of countries to produce the goods and services that their people need. They cannot manufacture all the…

  • Police Corruption: Understanding and Preventing

    Police corruption remains one of the leading challenges, affecting law enforcement agencies in the United States and around the world. Based on the impact of this vice, it is important for the government to initiate measures, which are feasible in dealing with it. This literature review explores the issue of police corruption, giving its definition,…

  • Ethics in Government. Zhang’s “Corruption” Article

    One of the negative issues related to government ethics is an abuse of power, and corruption as its most common maniestation. The more power the government has, the more significant its abuse could be (Manias and Monroe). In this paper, the article related to the problem of corruption in the US, its current reasons, and…

  • Mafia and Corruption in Russia

    Intentions behind the economic reforms in Russia in the early 90s Up until 1989 Russia was a member of the now-defunct Soviet Union. But with the fall of the union in most eastern European nations, the Russian economy underwent a series of dramatic transformations. The country’s policy of a centrally planned economy was consequently replaced…

  • Corruption as a Problem in Public Administration

    Table of Contents Introduction Background of the Issue Importance of the Issue Discussion of Possible Solutions Disciplinary Codes and Codes of Ethics Conflict of Interest Regulations and Financial Disclosure The Use of E-Government Recommendation for the Solution References Introduction Corruption in public administration is one of the many problems that lead to inequalities and injustice…

  • Political Corruption and Solutions

    Introduction The issue of corruption has been in existence since the conception of politics as a notion. However, even if the phenomenon cannot be erased completely from modern society, it is necessary to minimize it and create a system of values that deems it as unacceptable. By introducing the modern society to a system of…

  • Cause of Corruption in Nigeria and Solution of the Problem

    Table of Contents Cause of Corruption in Nigeria: Problem Statement Essay on the Problems of Nigeria: Discussion Cause of Corruption in Nigeria: Analysis Corruption in Nigeria and Solution Recommendations Essay on the Problems of Nigeria: Conclusion References Cause of Corruption in Nigeria: Problem Statement Corruption is one of the major causes of underdevelopment in various…

  • Legal Corruption: Cases Practice

    Representatives of the US Administration and Congress come up with accusations of corruption against other states and their leaders on a regular basis. Nevertheless, there is still an apparent problem of political bribery, which is quite enough legal, even though everyone considers it the norm. There is no doubt that illegal financial corruption also exists…

  • Public Corruption in the Field of Criminal Justice

    Corrupt judicial and policing systems hinder the success of anti-corruption efforts in various states. Morally compromised justice sectors have crippled institutional frameworks for curbing deception. The extreme effects of corruption undermine the rule of law and avert sustainable development. Essentially, the act compromises the principles of integrity, independence, equality, and impartiality, which are the primary…