Category: Corruption

  • The Government of Bangladesh: Corruption and Poverty

    Poverty is a major economic challenge in many underdeveloped countries. According to Bardhan (2008, p. 5), ‘absolute poverty occurs when individuals are unable to secure their basic needs such as shelter, healthcare, and food’. The other common challenge experienced in the developed world is corruption. This malpractice takes different forms such as dishonesty or engagement…

  • Causes of Corruption in Africa’s Developing Countries

    Objectives The major goal of this research project is to contribute to the solution of the problem of bribes and kickbacks in corporations that create a significant corruption challenge in most African countries. The following objectives have to be underlined: To investigate the current situation in African organizations. To identify the causes of corruption in…

  • Corruption in South Africa’s Healthcare Sector

    Table of Contents Introduction Ways through Which Corruption is perpetrated Measures by South African Healthcare Sector Impact of Corruption on South African Healthcare Effectiveness of Whistle Blowing in the Public Sector Conclusion Reference List Introduction Corruption is the abuse of power entrusted to an individual or organization for undue financial, physical, or non-physical gains. Sadly,…

  • Corruption Causes in Africa’s Developing Countries

    Table of Contents Introduction Neo-Patrimonialism Institutional Suppression Economic Instability Conclusion Reference Introduction Corruption has existed in many civilizations throughout history. However, the phenomenon has been increasing i8n recent years at a very concerning rate. The practice is now severe and widespread, causing global economic issues. Governments and ethical institutions need to explore the matter and…

  • Oil, Water and Corruption in Central Asian States

    The region of Central Asia has been a focus of the world’s political and economic attention due to its rich oil and gas resources. Ever since the 19th century when the natural riches of the area were first detected the region became a target for the dominant powers of the world such as the USSR…

  • Criminal Profiling and Police Corruption

    Criminal Profiling Solving murder crimes is a complex process that requires law enforcement personnel to use special techniques to narrow the list of potential suspects. One such technique is criminal profiling, which has proven to be especially effective when investigating homicides on sexual grounds (Douglas, et al., 1986, 403). Criminal profiling is a tool that…

  • President’s Speech on the High Levels of Corruption

    Fellow countrymen, it gives me great pleasure whenever I address the nation on matters that are so pertinent. I am going to address the issue of high levels of corruption that has become so rampant. As a nation, our reputation and future success are critically dependent on compliance, not just with the law but also…

  • Corruption in The Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

    Introduction Moral corruption is a serious threat that poses in the doors of humanity. This eventually become widespread threat for social corruption if major percentage in society will be afflicted. Literary experts say that the moon shadow of the humanities’ moral and social practices can be easily discern in some of the major works contributed…

  • Criminal Justice Ethics: Police Corruption & Drug Sales

    The growth of police corruption instances involving drug sales is relatively easy to explain. The financial rewards offered by the sales of illegal drugs in relation to other forms of income, both legal and illegal, are enormous. The temptation attracts law enforcement officials who are becoming increasingly more discouraged by the growing proliferation of drug…

  • Intelligence-Led Policing: A Proactive Approach to Combating Corruption

    Following the most fatal terrorist attack in the US, legal theorists and practitioners have popularized the new approach, intelligence-led policing, that raised the hopes about addressing the pending issues. The idea behind intelligence-led policing is that raw information at the disposal of the police needs to be involved in analytical processes that would later inform…