Category: Coronavirus

  • Scientific Means that Helped with the Survival of the Coronavirus

    For around 100,000 years we as human beings have relied on our immune system for survival such as withstanding the bubonic plague in the late 1300s or the Cocoliztli epidemic in the middle of the 1500s. The usage of our human immune system has enabled us as humans to persist through evolution, making our body…

  • The Societal Impacts of Coronavirus

    On 9/11, Americans discovered we are vulnerable to calamities we thought only happened in distant lands. The 2008 financial crisis told us we also can suffer the calamities of past eras, like the economic meltdown of the Great Depression. Now, the 1918 flu pandemic is a sudden specter in our lives. This loss of innocence,…

  • Impact Of Covid-19 On Higher Education Institutions With Reference To Teachers In Nagpur City

    Abstract Higher education is a backbone of any country, and it plays an important role in the economic and social growth of the nation. India with the second largest population have largest strength of students who are pursuing their higher education studies. With the spread of the COVID-19 around second week of March 2020 central…

  • Wash your Hands and Fight Corona

    The sudden outbreak and fast – unexpected and underestimated – spread of the new Coronavirus has indeed stunned millions of people everywhere who weren’t at all prepared to face such a disease especially since the virus is of unknown origin and has caused hundreds of deaths til date in many countries. The Coronavirus has stirred…

  • Meningitis and Coronavirus

    Meningitis and coronavirus are contagious infections which are able to spread through outbreaks and infect millions of people easily. They result in very dangerous consequences including death. Due to the severe danger of meningitis and coronavirus, this paper is going to explain the definitions, pathophysiology, causing microorganisms, transmission, and the necessary precautions that can be…

  • Coronavirus: Pandemic or War?

    Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about wars. The parallels between the same and our reality are eerie. This Global Pandemic has similarities with the wartime economies. As with war, a percentage of our population is fighting on the front, in this case, Medical practitioners. We are facing an…

  • The Impact of Covid-19 on Education Essay 200 Words

    Covid-19 is a pandemic disease caused by the coronavirus. According to various sources, it was determined that the pandemic originated in Wuhan city in China. Upon the discovery of this pandemic, it has been observed that a lot of problems have been created and it has put the world into a state of panic. Covid-19…

  • Impacts of COVID-19 on Students Life

    No one ever realized that such a microscopic size organism can wreak such havoc within the entire world and be the explanation for thousands of deaths. it’s not that such an outbreak went on for the primary time, but during this age of social media liberty where information spread faster than the speed of sound,…

  • The Peculiarities of Coronavirus Outbreak in Malaysia

    An outbreak of Coronavirus in Wuhan, China started in 2019 caused a pandemic to the world. Corona virus is one of the pathogen found in animals especially bats and it is a new kind of its evolution found before. This new virus causes infections to the respiratory system and most of it; it cost the…

  • COVID-19 Influences to Dentistry and Possible Salivary Analysis

    Summary A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is associated with human-to-human transmission. The COVID-19 was recently identified in saliva of infected patients. In this point-of-view article, we discuss the potential of transmission via the saliva of this virus. The COVID-19 transmission via contact with droplets and aerosols generated during dental clinical procedures is expected. There is a…