Category: Conflict

  • Race and Ethnicity and Meaningless Conflict

    History, which is full of violence and division among people, has shown that race and ethnicity are notions that imply and result in meaningless conflict. Although considered important and valuable, both concepts only fueled war, segregation, and genocide. It is crucial to embrace individuality and the past, including the harsh and unjust actions of some…

  • Social Construct of Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict

    Ethnicity can be taken to mean a social creation that generally separates people into diverse social groupings based on definite distinctiveness like a common language, culture and traditions, history, and geography, among others. It is arguably true to state that ethnic conflicts experienced today especially in most African countries are deep-rooted and bring mammoth challenges…

  • Territorial Conflicts in Animals and Humans

    Table of Contents Introduction Territory Conclusion Reference List Introduction Territory refers to a geographically defined area, which is regarded to be owned by an individual (s), animal, or a state and it can also be defined by other factors, such as culture and language. Thus, territory promotes peace through assurance as it clearly defines and…

  • Technology’s Impact on Workplace Conflict

    Technology is a significant part of modern business because it simplifies several tasks in an organization’s day-to-day functions. According to Briken et al. (2017), technology has transformed employees’ interactions across different industries, thus streamlining environmentally tedious and wasteful processes. For instance, the office culture is changing considerably with technological advancement, and workers can communicate effectively.…

  • Conflict Management Strategies

    How would you ensure sufficient discussion of contentious issues in a workgroup? How can managers bring unspoken conflict into the open without making them worse? It is not an easy task to ensure appropriate fair discussions of contentious issues that may take place in a workgroup. It is very important not to take one side…

  • Conflict Resolution for Hospital Leadership

    Table of Contents Introduction Background Analysis of the situation Communication Strategies Role of Relationships in Communication Application of Literature Summary and Conclusion References Introduction The healthcare setting can be a high-stress environment hence the need for conflict management techniques. They should equip their workforce with accurate skills regarding routines, attitude, and effective communication (Williams, 2020).…

  • Conflict Management Styles

    Table of Contents The Context of the Conflict Competing Collaborating Compromising Avoiding Accommodating Recommended Conflict Management Style References The Context of the Conflict I was in a queue waiting to pay for a pair of shoes which I had purchased. A customer ahead of me started complaining that the service representative was too slow. He…

  • Moral Issues in 21st-Century Conflict

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction The ability to easily find information does not equal in importance to having actual knowledge. What a person really needs is the actual truth since only reliable facts help in the decision-making and achieving the desired outcome. To illustrate, let us say that a doctor needs…

  • Google Inc.’s Male and Female Employees’ Conflicts

    Table of Contents Background Research Question Statement of Hypothesis Literature Review Methodology Brief Proposal Reference List Background In all contexts that involve interactions between different people, communication skills are necessary to ensure passage of intended message. One of such skills is interpersonal communication. The skill encompasses a process in which different players in the communication…

  • Workplace Conflict in the Medical Sphere

    Conflicts are an important consideration to take when working in a medical sphere, as their existence can impact the health delivery process in a variety of ways. By definition, a conflict is an event where two or more parties experience an incompatibility between their goals, ideas, beliefs, methods, or expectations (Kim et al., 2017). In…