Category: Conflict

  • Discussion of Personal Conflict of Interest

    Table of Contents Definition The Sources of Personal Conflicts of Interest Contractor Personnel The Currently Effective Rule Subcontractors The Function of the Contracting Officer Recent Infractions Committed by Contractors Decision B-253714 of the GAO Reference Definition In FAR Subpart 3.11 – Preventing Personal Conflicts of Interest for Contractor Employees Performing Acquisition Functions, the term “Personal…

  • Conflict and Order Theory on Race and Gender Issues

    In a U.S. context, exclusive English-language education is frequently criticized as putting the children of immigrants at a disadvantage and undermining their cultural identity. Teaching some classes in Spanish or another prominent minority language is often advocated as a more equitable alternative. However, conflict theory suggests that this approach to education will reinforce social inequality.…

  • Environmental Health and Social Conflicts

    Table of Contents What constitutes a stable society? Likely types of conflicts because of poor environment The importance of a quality environment Conclusion References What constitutes a stable society? Everyone in society looks forward to the surrounding environment for satisfaction. Foods and other basic needs are all obtained from the environment. Most of the things…

  • Good vs. Bad Conflict in the Workplace

    Good conflict is constructive and helps an organization to grow and improve, while bad conflict is destructive and damages relationships and productivity. Good conflict is based on different opinions and perspectives and leads to creative e solutions and better decision-making. Bad competition is based on personal attacks and power struggles, often resulting in negative emotions…

  • Conflict Resolution Strategies Training Program

    Conflicts happen between people who have different points of view and different approaches for the same situation. Amestoy et. al. (2014) write that, in a work setting, “conflict implies disorganization of all team members and causes incased stress owing to the lack of participation in decision making, lack of management support, over-work, and rapid technological…

  • Conflict Resolution: Video Analysis

    The video on conflict resolution skills shows an individual who is instigating a conflict by complaining about a range of things such as the nationality of the new receptionist, cleanliness of the garage, and his car being blocked (Seven Dimensions, 2013). Therefore, some of those complaints are valid such as him not being able to…

  • Sleepy Hollow General Hospital: Conflict of Interest

    Background Statement The organization under review, the Sleepy Hollow General Hospital, experiences an issue in the incoherency in hip and knee implant supply. The investigation has shown that orthopedic surgeons in the facility purchase their equipment from different suppliers that vary significantly in price, quality, and use. The financial executive initiated the discussion about the…

  • Marxist Conflict Theory

    According to the conflict theory, diverse groups in society are always competing fiercely for scarce power and resources, leading to the stronger oppress the weaker. Marx was preoccupied with one topic in the 19th century, a time characterized by profound disparity and fast technical and political development in Europe: what does it mean to be…

  • Conflicts: Main Reasons and Resolution

    Table of Contents Introduction Background The third side and the reason for conflict Self-reflection Change of the attitude Conclusion References Introduction Conflicts are one of the main aspects of human behavior. The human society is comprised of several individuals who appreciate various beliefs and have different points of view on the same issue. However, the…

  • Conflict in the Workplace: Impact of Social Aspects

    One of the most effective tools in understanding some issues is the sociological analysis of the initial reason for the problem. Especially when dealing with confrontations in the workplace, sociological approaches might be beneficial in finding the solution. Therefore, this paper aims to use sociological perspective, theory, and concept on the micro and macro level…