Category: Computers

  • Computer Ethics: Information Technology Ethics

    In the field of information technology, one should pay particular attention to professional behavior in order to comply with corresponding regulations. In this situation, personal decisions in the workplace should be examined through the lens of specific principles created to ensure compliance with appropriateness in procedures. Hence, implementing morals, ethics, and laws while being aware…

  • Proposed Computer Network Design for Dreamz Inc.

    Computer networks facilitate communication between systems while considering the most efficient path to send information from its source to its destination. As a result, the main objective of a network model is to facilitate communication between processes on different hosts. Thus, a network model should represent the needs of users and ensure unmatched interoperability between…

  • Computer Elements: Hardware versus Software

    Personal computers usually differ from business computers in their capacity and the level of technologies applied in the hardware. Thus, business computers are designed to perform multiple complex tasks requiring the high speed of processing, the high resolution of a display, and upgradability (Archambault, 2013). On the contrary, personal computers are typically designed to cover…

  • Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software

    Research is becoming digitalized like all other aspects of education. According to Bazeley, 2019, researchers are increasingly relying on computers to run qualitative data analysis software (QDAS), particularly when working with digital media files. NVivo and MAXQDA, two of the most extensively used commercial QDAS solutions, are among the most widely used applications because they…

  • Personal Computer: Development, Regulations, and Taxation

    There is a distinct difference between desktops and personal laptops, but they are currently following similar trends in the sphere of development. Both versions of personal computers aim to increase performance, whether this means improving current capabilities, adding features, increasing longevity, or the speed of the device. Additionally, both versions of the device are becoming…

  • The Structure of a Computer and the Meaning of Each of Its Elements

    Table of Contents Introduction Theoretical method Practical Method Functions of various parts of a computer Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In the study of the computer architecture, it is paramount to consider the theoretical and the practical aspect of the computer architecture model. An exhaustive knowledge of both the practical and theoretical aspect of the computer…

  • Talking Computers: Future Teechnology

    Table of Contents Introduction Talking computers/machines and science fiction Talking computers and machines – The early years (Pre 1968) Talking computer – 1968 to 1988 Talking computers – 1988 to 2008 HAL of the 2001, A Space Odyssey Conclusion Introduction It would appear that evolution is inbuilt in nature since the present natural world one…

  • Computer Software Development and Reality Shows

    Computer software development has grown at such a rapid pace over the past decade that it have invaded every aspect of our lives and ever fiber of our being. It has allowed people to disconnect from reality and enjoy various activities without ever having to actually participate in it. It has sanitized our viewpoint regarding…

  • Computers’ Benefits and Problems

    Computers and modern technologies occupy one of the main places in any person’s life. They are used in all spheres of activity, from personal goals to large productions of global importance. Therefore, I can agree with the statement that computers and other types of digital technologies are both an advantage and a problem for society.…

  • Ways of Designing Human-Computer Interaction

    Introduction In the book by Shneiderman and Plaisant (2010), designing Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is the science of studying and structuring interaction between users and the devices or machines such as computers. It’s a process that requires proper planning, incorporates numerous fields of disciplines such as the study of computer science, the study of the behaviors…