Category: Communism

  • Marxism: The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels

    Table of Contents Thesis Statement Discussion Conclusion References Thesis Statement The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels was claimed to argue about social division and class exploitation. In spite of the fail of communistic regimes in most parts of the world, and the democratization of the former Socialistic camp, the division of the society is…

  • McCarthyism and Anti-Communist Campaigns

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Within his speech in the State Department, Joseph McCarthy defined communist nations as a significant threat to the USA. He stated that world domination is the ultimate goal of communist leaders. Thus a global conflict between two political systems becomes inevitable. At that time, the Soviet…

  • Communism in Dave Eggers’s “The Circle”

    Dave Eggers’s The Circle is a novel about a same-name web organization that offers innovative products and services to ordinary citizens. Even though the literary piece considers the American context in the present time, it introduces some dystopian principles because the organization, the Circle, has a few features of a communist nation. Thus, Eggers uses…

  • McCarthyism and Anti-Communist Campaigns: The Role of Senator McCarthy’s Speech and Red Scare

    Table of Contents Introduction Main text Conclusion References Introduction Wisconsin’s Senator Joseph McCarthy gave a speech on February 9, 1950, famously known as Enemies from inside. He alleged to have an authentic understanding of several Soviet agents operating inside the United States federal government. The address took place in the Cold War background, a time…

  • Communism, Fascism, and the Outbreak of the Second World War

    The two most historically important ideologies of the first half of the 20th century are communism and Fascism. Despite certain similarities between the two, they are strikingly different. Their expansion principle and opposing views on how society must develop ultimately resulted in World War 2 (WW2). Communism is predicated on the idea that humans achieve…

  • Poland: Democratic Nation vs. Communist Country

    Poland, where the communists changed the rule and the economy of the land, was invaded by the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1989. Using the Red Army, the Soviet Union ensured the destruction of all anti-communists in the country (Bukowski & Novokmet, 2021). The opposition would be exiled or sentenced to death by the new…

  • Communist Manifesto Relation to Other Writers

    Introduction The relations of human beings within society have always been characterized by the considerable complexity of processes and theories developed by various scholars to explain the mentioned processes. The idea of class inequality and the struggle of classes in society acquired considerable importance in the middle of the 19th century when Karl Marx and…

  • Communism Economic System in China

    Communism is an economic system that promotes a classless society where the public or community controls and owns the primary means of production. Globally, only a few countries, including China, Laos, Cuba, and North Korea, adopt this economic ideology. China is the most famous country due to its economic and political reliance on communist principles.…

  • The Rise and Fall of Communism After World War II

    Table of Contents Introduction The Emergence of Communism After World War II The Fall of Communism Conclusion Reference Introduction Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, triggering World War II in Europe. The war involving Germany and the Soviet Union was one of the darkest and most massive conflicts in human history. Since they lost…

  • Stance Against Communist Russia After World War I

    Cold War issues remain relevant to contemporary geopolitical relations between the US, Russia, and Europe. It is a complex topic involving the economy, military operations, and a robust ideological machine that operated both in the USA and the USSR. The Cold War is the heritage of the end of World War II. However, after the…