Category: Communism

  • The Communist Manifesto: Values and Goals

    The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in late 1847 and published in February 1848. It contains a summary of the Communist values and aims, as well as a history of Communism and the explanation of historical development as described in the Communist theory. The piece quickly became one of the…

  • Revolutionary Communism vs. Democratic Socialism

    Table of Contents Democratic Socialism Revolutionary Communism Agreement Disagreement Towards A Better World Conclusion Works Cited Revolutionary communism and democratic socialism are examples of political ideologies that were byproducts of Marxism. Viewed from a certain perspective, the said political ideologies are similar in terms of their shared disdain for capitalism. Adherents of revolutionary communism and…

  • History: Communist Revolutions in East Asia

    Table of Contents Introduction The Fight Against Capitalism Chinese Communist Party Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Communist movements occurred in a wide range of South-East and North-East Asian countries. Among them, there was Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaya. Although the successful Communist revolutions happened only in Vietnam, China, and the Northern part of Korea. Generally,…

  • American International Policies to Thwart Communism Expansion

    Table of Contents Vietnam (Conflict) War Camp David Accords Strategic Defense Initiative Personal Opinion References Vietnam (Conflict) War The United States used the domino theory, which held that if a single country fell under the influence of communists, the surrounding countries in the region would inevitably follow the same course. Convinced that Communism China and…

  • Anti-Communist and Anti-Islam Rhetoric

    Every society consists of individuals who have unique characteristics, attitudes, and fears. They respond to various threats in different ways when taken separately; however, being united, they acquire some common features peculiar to a certain community. That is why such a phenomenon as paranoia is associated with masses of people believing or fearing some object,…

  • Truman’s Speech on Fear of Communism and Islam

    On February 9, 1950, Senator Joseph R. McCarthy delivered the famous speech – “Enemies from Within” in Wheeling, West Virginia. The speech was a direct attack on President Truman’s foreign policy, which McCarthy claimed was treasonous because it allowed communist sympathizers to run the State Department. As such, McCarthy warned that communism would spread unprecedentedly…

  • The Chinese Communist Party’s Economic Adaptation

    The economies of communist countries, such as those of the Soviet Union and many of its satellites, are often associated with the rigid application of the largely ineffective principles of the planned economy. However, the history of the Chinese Communist Party suggests that the opposite may also be the case. Since assuming power in 1949,…

  • “The Communist Manifesto” Book by Marx and Engels

    Table of Contents Introduction Summary Critical Evaluation Conclusion Introduction Despite the intentions of people to live in an equal society, there will always be some social differences. In the middle of the 19th century, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, the two well-known German philosophers and social scientists introduced their vision of class struggles through the…

  • Communism and Liberalism’ Diplomacy

    Communism and liberalism are two distinct ideologies that have been traditionally framed as opposing approaches. Nevertheless, certain similarities can be identified that determine their impact on the global community. The main similarity between liberalism and communism is the emphasis on equality characteristics for both ideologies. However, the specificities of the said equality are different in…

  • Communism: Theory and Reality

    Table of Contents Abstract Communism in Theory Communism in Practice: The Case of China Communism in Practice: The Case of Cuba Conclusion References Abstract The ideas of Communism appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century and were expressed in the works of Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Communism presupposes the economic equality of all…