Category: College Students

  • Marijuana Use: The Impacts Among College Students

    Marijuana use has risen in popularity among many college students, as evidenced in higher learning institutions. Legalizing the drug has facilitated increased intake among young adults attending colleges and universities (NIDA. 2020). Marijuana, through cannabinoid (CBD), is beneficial to patients enduring pain from advanced conditions such as cancer. However, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can have advance impacts…

  • A Letter to a College Student in the Future

    In the second decade of the 21st century, people live in a social environment shaped by a multitude of external and internal factors. The five major institutions that most significantly influence an individual’s life are family, government, economy, education, and religion. The rapid development of digital technologies has transformed all aspects of life, creating a…

  • Single-Parent College Students Struggling to Graduate

    Colleges receive students from various backgrounds under different situations. The rise of single-student parents in colleges presents an opportunity to learn about the experiences of such students and compare them with other regular nonparent learners. An estimated 26 percent of all undergraduate students, or 4.8 million, are raising dependent children (Noll et al. 1). Women…

  • An Examination of College Student Wellness: A Research and Liberal Arts Perspective

    The work that I do entails vigorous-intensity activity that increases the breathing rate or heartbeat. I do vigorous-intensity activities thrice per week and 12 hours per day. I spend two days per week doing moderate-intensity activities that involve my work spending around six hours per day. Traveling and Walking I prefer walking to nearby places…

  • E-Cigarette Use Among College Students

    An investigation by Kenne et al. focuses on a device that has been gaining popularity in recent years, the electronic cigarette. They study the characteristics and prevalence of e-cigarette use among college students (Kenne et al., 2017). In addition, they sought to assess the potential harm of these devices and the prevalence and reasons for…

  • How Coronavirus Affected College Students

    Introduction Since early 2020, the coronavirus pandemic has posed serious challenges to individuals and institutions globally. Academic life has been dramatically changed, as universities and colleges replaced traditional in-person learning with virtual classrooms or hybrid models. Many students had to leave residential campuses, which disrupted their academic and social lives. Continuous lockdowns and stay-at-home orders…

  • Risky Sexual Behaviors Among College Students

    Introduction Traditionally, sexual relationships were respected and promiscuity was heavily penalized in a bid to ensure that people engaged in sexual intercourse at the right time and in an acceptable setting (marriage). However, many young people have resulted to alternative sexual tendencies that at times put them at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Gilmartin…

  • Homelessness Among College Students

    Assigned articles contain both qualitative and quantitative data. California State University provided the percentage of homelessness last year. The Wisconsin Hope Lab research at the university of Wisconsin last month revealed that 14 percent of students are homeless. On the other hand, the qualitative data explains why there is homelessness at a high rate, stating…

  • The Bernie Sanders Phenomenon Among College Students

    This year presidential elections unveiled various issues and trends existing in the USA. Major fears, hopes, and concerns of Americans have become clear as the candidates bring those issues to the fore, and the audience responds to them. This year elections are also associated with a number of scandals as well as unexpected figures, controversies,…

  • Why College Students Support Bernie Sanders?

    This year presidential elections unveiled various issues and trends existing in the USA. Major fears, hopes, and concerns of Americans have become clear as the candidates bring those issues to the fore and the audience responds to them. This year elections are also associated with a number of scandals as well as unexpected figures, controversies,…